Author Topic: Curbshot Nano-scale rxn method  (Read 8026 times)

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Curbshot Nano-scale rxn method
« on: January 23, 2004, 08:21:00 PM »
this method sounds like a good one for a question using a candle safe?thought you were to never use an open flame.


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forget candle.
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2004, 02:00:00 AM »
forget candle mate...well not because of fire problem but u can use your gas stove. use candle if u cant get a better heat source.
the problem with the open flame comes when u have to heat flamable solvents ie. for faster evaporation or when u are cleaning the pills. again u can use the microwave for that.
the method is good for newbee but if u can improve it then its better.

possible substitutes for:

candle- gas stove, electric plate.
glass cigar tube- a glass bottle 125ml to 250ml. large in the botton thin in upper part.
ballon - vinil tube. long and straight to the "chamine"

anyway i think that heating right from the beginning is not a good procedure.

of course u can allways do it like it is written. u will get some shit in the end. I did.

peace and some ganza!


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more comments...
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2004, 02:35:00 AM »
"...1) candle- gas stove, electric plate.
2) glass cigar tube- a glass bottle 125ml to 250ml. large in the botton thin in upper part.
3) ballon - vinil tube. long and straight to the "chamine"..."

1) Open flames are hard to keep temp consistent and you cant leave it unattended for long periods.  A little electric hotplate and sand or oil bath works well.  Anything other than pure flame on glass for a LWR would be better.  But than again, the 'envelope' (am i allowed to use it geez?) for sucess is pretty large so candle-away if you must...

2) Look for little funky spice bottles, condiment (eg soy sauce) bottles, even little light bulbs.  There are lots of appropriate vessels.

3) make sure the balloon is clean and depowdered.  Also keep an eye on the balloon in case it develops a leak.  Cos 1 puff of lost HI(g) can exhaust the reagents so they can never re-attain 57% HI(aq) - and effect a thorough reduction to meth.


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Don't trust a flame
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2004, 06:27:00 AM »
I would strongly suggest that you stay away from open flames as there is no benefit in using one.  Even in a real lab they are used only when absolutely necessary for a particular rxn or experiment.  In a clandestine lab they are just plain dangerous.  All it takes is one mistake like knocking the candle over and igniting any flammable object such as a curtain and not only will you lose your house and possible a member of your household, you will also bee looking at a long jail sentence before you actually got a chance to try to make .5g of shitty tweaky meth. 

That sounds crazy but it could happen.

Invest in a cheap electric hotplate.  Its worth the money.


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good advice, still...
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2004, 07:44:00 AM »
i found that using your kitchen gas stove for a first time (ive run a problem...) isnt a problem...if u are lazy lots of shit can happen even with the electric plate...u can ignit a fire too...but only if u are lazy...and this isnt about being lazy...i think he wanted to know if the HI gas was flamable. it isnt!
there is a lot of shit that happen if u dont pay first curb was done with 2 subtitutes: Candle for a camping gas and glass cigar tube for a normal glass bottle. go for it mate. u will get ur feet wet.
keep in mind to take all precautions necessary of course.
maybe u will think that by my write that im putting things easy...well I am not...what im trying to say is that u will learn and u will improve.

peace and some ganza!


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hey shorty
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2004, 09:59:00 AM »
that tweaky meth you speak of, sad but true, is probably better than street shit. And certainly better than dealing with street thugs,tweakers,cheats, thus making it all worth it.But you speak the truth, and it is funny sometimes.


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« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2004, 11:47:00 AM »
The logic behind the candle and can is the timing of the reaction. The candle heats the sand quickly to start the reaction, if shaking or stirring did not. As the candle burns, the temperature increases at a steady rate generating nano scale "phase one" and "phase two" stages of the reaction. As the life of the candle is coming to an end, so should the reaction.

The problem with candles is that they tend to burn out, do not burn well, etc. When the basis of your reaction is controlled distribution of heat within a certain time frame, any variation is a potential failure. If you are not familiar with the reaction theory/process and visuals to look for, having to 'lift a hot sand filled soup can containing a test tube or cigar tube topped with balloon containing HI to put a new candle in which may or not burn better than the last', can be very distracting.

As Shorty mentioned, you can substitute the candle for a hotplate. However, do your reasearch. Be aware of the temperature you must gradually obtain to convert the pseudo. In one hour. It can be done.

As biotechdude mentioned use a small spice bottle or something equivalent in size. This reaction does not do well in anything larger than a 50ml flask, if quantities are adhered to. Put this in moist sand. Turn your balloon inside out to alleviate powders and such. Tape it well and watch it. You do not want to have to deal with a leaky balloon. With this reaction, there is not a large margin for error.

You can produce meth.  You will produce tweaky meth. This IS a "short hot cook".


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Importance of Squeaky CLean Pseudo
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2004, 12:11:00 PM »
Unless you have access to reagent pure psuedo/e or you are an ace extractor/recrystallizer the odds are quite low of getting any usable product from this rxn. 3 years ago this was still possible but the newer (and multiple forms of) polyethylene glycol and the often mentioned "orange gakks"  have effectively made this type of reaction no longer practical.

But if you honestly do have the privelage of access to pharma-pure grade pseudo/e or you posess god-like extraction skills then with luck you may just end up with .5 grams (not quite enough to feasably recrystallize{purify}) of product.

If you are new to all this and want at least a teener (an ideal nano amount to recrystallize) as a payoff for success try a 24hr 10g wet reflux.

PS. teener = 16thOz = 1.75g


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good advice
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2004, 06:45:00 PM »
thanks for all the good advice.maybe the long wet reflux would be the way to go.10 grams of psuedo;is that around 50 boxes 24 ct of 30 mg otc pills?if one were to do the long reflux would the temp be 150 f?


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« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2004, 07:28:00 PM »
meant to say 150 c.i'm a dumb blonde from the states so i have no idea what the temp would be in f.a candy thermometer sounds like an important item to have.had a dream of a coffee can half filled with damp sand.the temp of the sand is 150 c according to candy thermometer.the flask(clear beer bottle)is setting in water and ice.clean psuedo,I2,and RP are put in the flask.a kids punch balloon
is duct taped onto the beer bottle flask.the flask is placed inside the coffee can and left to do it's thing for 12 hrs.wet dreams are the best but will this work?


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« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2004, 05:52:00 AM »
actually, it depends on how lucky you feel.
and several other factors, like how much reactants are in the 'flask'. the balloon would likely corrode beefore it was done.

will somebee please write-up a modernized equivilent of curbshot's overly famous nano?


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hey zorrila
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2004, 06:06:00 AM »
all this guys are right. all SWAU outhere are problably from US...SWIG is not. Pseudo is hard to extract for SWIG in good yields (50%-60% on very good days)...NOT because of ultra modern additives but because SWIG is not a practical chemist...he's technique is bad...he's learning! ;)

I bet if all SWAU experienced US bees could lay there hands on the pills SWIG uses they would say what SWIG says.

since it seems u are an US bee then PLZ take their advice and read.

Peace and some ganza.


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Not quite as small but could be scaled down
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2004, 06:11:00 AM »

will somebee please write-up a modernized equivilent of curbshot's overly famous nano?

Post 482658

(SHORTY: "This should work...", Stimulants)


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Goddammit! Use some fucking common sense, or...
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2004, 09:29:00 AM »
Goddammit! Use some fucking common sense, or alternatively the FSE!
Do not heat a regular glass bottle to such temperatures!

Fuck this and do whatever you want. I don't care, this is like pissing into the wind.


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safe?thought you were to never use an open...
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2004, 09:52:00 AM »
safe?thought you were to never use an open flame.

It's safe if you use it sensibly. No acetone boils in small rooms, candle or not..

Boiling water is boiling water. Candles operate for free, hotplates use what, 1kWh every 70min or so?

OK, so plan to do this hot dry shit if it sounds like a less stressful pursuit on paper...then when you finish add a bit more water and cook for another 2 or 3hrs+ knowing that you'll be making inroads on whatever you are working on, you devil.

It can be pretty stealthy if you use your imagination. (candles)
HI isn't flammable, PH3 is, but that doesn't require a flame, and with any luck there won't be any released in to the air.

Don't fall asleep while boiling off crystalisation solvents, without a water bath, or it'll burn up.
Actually don't fall asleep at all when boiling off solvents.

DCM is an exception, and all chlorinated solvents (non-flammable). Working outside is an exception aswell 95% of the time.


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mmm i'm confused .....i searched the fucking...
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2004, 11:33:00 PM »
mmm i'm confused .....i searched the fucking simple search engine for 1 1/2 weeks before i asked a question.seems almost every procedure has different views on how safe it is;how long it takes;and what kind of glass bottle to use.some members say a balloon is fine others say no a balloon sucks.i'm not stupid;i just believe that knowledge is power and you shouldn't just jump into something without hearing opinions from individuals that have actual experience.any smart person would want to know the safest procedure;fire hazards to be prepared for;anything they shouldn't breathe or get on their skin;how to avoid odors that might attrack attention;etc...i luv this site;great information...i know users get tired of newbie questions but alot of info is contradicting so thanks goes to everyone that tells us(newbies)that we don't know what the hell we're doing and tell us how to correct our mistakes.thanks to everyone that responded to my post.


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Try Shorty's
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2004, 02:33:00 AM »
Try that plan that shorty gave. It's pretty much the best thing out right now as far as a decent, realistic and all-inclusive strategy for achieving success as a newbee.

It is best to get a cohesive plan like this and then follow it _exactly_ as best as you can without trying to substitute any other little techniques into it or to cut corners in hoping to make it go quicker. All the steps mentioned are there for very good reasons.

Also, real lab glassware , even though it can be a challenge to obtain, is truly the safest thing to use for this because it specifically designed to handle the physical stresses involved. The other big safety issue would be that of fire. I'm too tired to expound on fire safety but its quite important to be aware of. Being aware of the corrosives (NaOH/lye & hydrochloric) and protecting yourself appropriately is also manditory safety knowledge.

But I would highly suggest that you start reviewing shorty's recipe and preparing to execute it. Then ask more questions about it as come to you before you actually go through with it.

Good luck


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thanks ChemoSabe
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2004, 07:28:00 PM »
thanks for your suggested procedure.yes i know real glassware is the safest but yes it is a challenge to's easy to purchase from ebay;chemistry stores;etc but draws alot of attention.damn you can't even go and buy cold medicine for your kid anymore without being's sad when people are watched when they are buying legal products.


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lab safety
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2004, 03:38:00 PM »
"...Being aware of the corrosives (NaOH/lye & hydrochloric) and protecting yourself appropriately is also manditory safety knowledge..."

Also be aware of what your chems can do to your lab.  I dont think your landlord would be too impressed with the caustic stained sink, and the acid stained cupboards, or the HI stained roof.


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Quest for Safe Ghetto Lab
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2004, 04:15:00 PM »
Is your name pronounced like you'd say "tortilla" or like you'd say "gorilla". And don't get me started on armadillo!

Send an inquisitve PM in the direction of autumn_lamb on the general subject referred to by the title above.

She was in a position where she beleived that acquiring real labware would end her chem hobby experiments before they even began. So she researched slowly and methodically until she found and tested the proper ghetto style gear that effectively and safely did the job.

I have no idea what she finally came up with to use in her current setup but she'd be the one to ask about these matters. (if she's still around) I'd be mildly amused if she actually did end up owning a few peices of bonafide lab glass considering some recommendations she received long ago.

Also dwarfer always seems to keep his ear to the ground  when it comes to the arrival anything new to the realm of feasably effecient and unsuspiciously effective ghetto-ware. He's one of the few who has ever earned the esteemed rank (not reek) of "ghetto conossieur" and I fail to see why he's never sported a similar title.