Author Topic: New Straight to E -- a novel extraction tech.  (Read 74091 times)

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« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2003, 10:55:00 AM »
Can this be used on pfed sulfates?


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« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2003, 01:53:00 PM »
yeah, I am more inclined towards the corning hotplate/st myself as I feel I have better and more precise control
with it
After a microwave induced mini- ursh. incident I shy away from them now
Yeah, they only heat the water based but I am sure you can get it to 105 as necessary
though, with my luck with microwaves, I would overshoot and ruin it all
Just wish there was a sub for xylene in the v. e. process
will check it out shortly


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Re: maybe i can freeload some good info We...
« Reply #42 on: June 20, 2003, 03:39:00 PM »

 maybe i can freeload some good info

We cant be having any of that around here...Nothing would ever get done if that was the attitude.

Guess that SWIM shouldn't say anything about low yields with the reds...SWIM DIDN'T follow directions...They weren't de-redded. 

Data will follow soon to back up SWIVE's new claim to fame.


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« Reply #43 on: June 20, 2003, 05:15:00 PM »
Only if you then freebase the pseudo sulfate you extract by the method. You do not want to react the sulfate form.


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Just Fuckin Great!!!
« Reply #44 on: June 20, 2003, 06:03:00 PM »
If SWIM can improve his 60% to 70% returns up to 90% or better on his pfeds, shit,,,, let SWIM think, is it worth doing???? thanks for your effort in a  better extraction Video,,,now SWIM just has to get to the store and get some new shiot and do it!!!!Like a kid in a candy store,,and he really likes candy!!!,, cant wait to try it!!!!


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The warning came from coffee
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2003, 12:43:00 AM »
I had just heated a cup of coffee and when I poured the sugar in the fucking cup emptied it self burning my hand, real good I might add.. I know some bees are nuke freaks and didn't want anyone to hurt themselves straying from the writeup... Something we all do from time to time..


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a nervous question
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2003, 01:06:00 AM »
If it sais sudoE hcl + 2.5mg triwhatever on SWICS $2 a box 60' aint gunna have any sudo sulphate in it right? it would have to say pseudo sulfate on the box right?


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« Reply #47 on: June 21, 2003, 01:27:00 AM »
If a microwave is the "I want to use one just because...JUST BECAUSE!" choice, there is some info on the way one can use one safely.
Jacked got burned by coffee, so think about a burn causing you to douche your "lab" with 50 to 80 bucks worth of dissolved psudo. after cleanup your scavenged psudo puts you back in the 40-60% range of yeild, and now it has bacon grease, wheat chex bits, roach turds etc.
What is it about "follow the directions exactly as written" that causes people to have a "insert my way here" attack?!?!?!

The man said use a non sparking hotplate, PERIOD.
Hey just for the pure adventure of doing it exactly as written, try this: DO THE EXTRACTION, EXACTLY AS WRITTEN. Of course that is the challenge right? Following the directions?

To help you stubborn ones, try it like this:

If it says, "Use 4 quarts" say "nah, I think a GALLON is the way to go here!"

If instructed to obtain "6 feet of vinyl tube" say
"Probably better to go with CLEAR vinyl, with a length of Oh, 72 inches"

If the right way is reported as "use a hotplate" then spit into the wind and instead try a "flameless plug-in, variable temperture control CARAFFE WARMER"
Presto, ya bucked conventional thinking, yer outside the box, and ya did it your way.

Now the pillows all have a tag saying "do not remove under pena..." :P  ::)  :-[


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Re: If it sais sudoE hcl + 2.5mg triwhatever...
« Reply #48 on: June 21, 2003, 01:41:00 AM »

If it sais sudoE hcl + 2.5mg triwhatever on SWICS $2 a box 60' aint gunna have any sudo sulphate in it right? it would have to say pseudo sulfate on the box right?

No, pseudoephedrine.HCl does not have any pseudoephedrine sulfate


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« Reply #49 on: June 21, 2003, 01:42:00 AM »
HCl= HCl
sulfate= sulfate

Its agin the law to write HCl when it is REALLY sulfate, and vice-versa. 8)


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microwave not recommended for straight to E
« Reply #50 on: June 21, 2003, 03:17:00 AM »
SWIMFINN used the micro cause he can't get his frickin' mits on a lab type/quality hotplate...

He used a 125ml rb flask with 75 ml of antifreeze at the rear interior of the unit along with a sizeable amount of small boriscilicate (sp?) glass pieces(until he lost his fricin' head and added regular glass but...SWIM digress) and then used a power setting of 40% (sometimes 50%) to bring the solution up to temp in a 2 quart pyrex microwaveable cassarole dish.

There was zero bumping and smooth boiling (up to the point at which SWIM lost effective cognative function)...and the psuedo came charging out. VE indicated it is not the highest yielding or most effectively controlled methodology and that is a subjective choice for SWIM to make based on local prevailing conditions. (Wait for someday or deal with less yield...)

SWIM won't bother bees with issues if they develop should he choose to micro S2E again, however, as it is clearly indicated now (and reasonably inferred then) that S2E VIA MICROWAVE IS NOT RECOMMENDED due to the issues VE (and crew) ran into in beta testing.

"flameless plug-in, variable temperture control CARAFFE WARMER"

Cool, didn't think of that...(----> off to look) but not because SWIM wants to be different...just must find alternative for the present.


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Free while supplies last!
« Reply #51 on: June 21, 2003, 08:11:00 PM »
VE: I wanted to wait on replying until reaching a destination to employ this method, but the intended destination is looking rather grim.
Ibee can always foresee the success rates based on other worker bees responses, so I'll have to just hope that when and if the Kidz get to a safe location that this method is still effective.
The hardest part about being away from the lab is the inability to dabble with the newest formulations!
Congrats on brakethrough!
Multiple solvent combo's seemed to be the likely gaak kicker, but proper ratio's and dryness are the keys to success it appears.
This is why the IDEA method worked to a degree, all except for the pfed being taken UP in the polar amounts in the alcohol!
Ibee really wished he'd had some help with the tweeking of that solvent combo as it might have spared The Kidz and P2M much headbanging when trying to scale it UP to 55 gallon drum capacities(heeheeeheee :) ). Slight exaggeration there of course!
Anyway...always the optimistic one, Ibee looks forward to employing this technique you've provided us bees with!
Hopefully it won't bee before they throw the next curveball in the mix!
Great Work as always man!
Keep It UP!
Peace of the REaction


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Scaling up
« Reply #52 on: June 22, 2003, 10:38:00 AM »
Swim is very close to his 1st imaginary, theoretical and slightly deluded dream with the novel extraction technique.

Upon completion of the solvent drying stage it has become obvious that ratios come to exactly 1/2 of a 1 quart canning jar per pull (x3) per 10 boxes of pills.  Edit: (For the 50/50 ISO IPA and Naptha mix)

1 full quart for every 20 boxes.

Swim will have his own feedback soon to follow...

If people "who are not us" continue to dream as a team, they can ALL continue to liberate the precursor.

Perrigogo did you say?  ;D


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Good Job VE!!! SWIBD says that he's looking...
« Reply #53 on: June 22, 2003, 04:08:00 PM »
Good Job VE!!!
SWIBD says that he's looking forward to trying it. But first, he has a couple of questions:

VE's: The mixture needs to come up to our target temp in an (external heat) normal amount of time to complete all the processes going on inside the beaker.

About how long should a bee take to get the temp up to 105C (he's using a hotplate)? Ten minutes? Thirty minutes? Sixty minutes?
How long is a "normal" amount of time? (SWIBD wants to make sure that he gives the IPA plenty of time to boil off.)

Did I understand correctly that the STE gets rid of both PEG and trip?

mickyfinn: SWIMFINN used the micro cause he can't get his frickin' mits on a lab type/quality hotplate

My GUESS is that most bees aren't using an official "lab type" hotplate. When SWIBD tried the STB, a hotplate like this one seemed to work just fine. It should work great for the STE too. 

Wally World sells hot plates for VERY cheap. (Wally's is a little different than this one, but it still works great. :) )

And if you want to get away from the "helpful" neighbors while extracting/cooking (because of the stinky fumes etc.), you can get a DC-->AC power converter that plugs into your car's cigarrette lighter. They don't cost too much. With one of these a bee can dream ANYWHERE. Set everything up on a fold-up table and you're ready to GO! (with your car windows rolled up so your car won't get "stunk up").
With the simplicy and quickness of VE's awesome STE, SWIBD said that he's thinking about extracting a batch of p-fed in the car while driving to work for his morning commute! :o  (just joking, of course)


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That looks like a hot coil, not a hot plate.
« Reply #54 on: June 22, 2003, 04:33:00 PM »
That looks like a hot coil, not a hot plate. You cannot evenly heat a flask with it.


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That looks like a hot coil, not a hot plate.
« Reply #55 on: June 22, 2003, 05:07:00 PM »
That looks like a hot coil, not a hot plate. You cannot evenly heat a flask with it.

You're right. To overcome the uneven heating problems SWIBD puts a pot (1/2 full) of Canola oil on top of the coil, and using a ghetto ring stand, he's able to evenly heat (he thinks) his flasks (for the rxn) by partially suspending the flask into the oil bath. When heating a beaker, he drops enough marbles (or cut pieces of wire hanger, etc.) into the pot to entirely cover the bottom of the pot, and keep the flask off the bottom, and then heats away. The marbles provide a "flat" surface for the beaker to sit on. The marbles also keep the beaker a little further away from the direct heat of the coils, preventing uneven heating.
He's thinking about trying vegable shortening instead of canola oil because of the way it convieniently re-solidifies (mostly) between uses. (Less risk of accidental spilling)
This method seems to work fine for SWIBD, but he's a newbee so if he's wrong, he'd love to hear any comments. :)

PEG? Trip? Length of time before bringing to a boil?


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Hot times
« Reply #56 on: June 22, 2003, 05:28:00 PM »
About how long should a bee take to get the temp up to 105C (he's using a hotplate)? Ten minutes? Thirty minutes? Sixty minutes?

Its almost impossible to answer as it depends on so many variables including the volume of liquid you are dealing with. Just increase the heat gradually and dont think about it too hard.  It will start boiling around 70c-80c and will increase non linearly from there.

as far as hotplates go try:

Post 420074 (missing)

(Prepuce: "Don't use a hotplate for boiling solvents!", Stimulants)

Post 426781

(superman: "heating mantle vs. hotplate", Chemicals & Equipment)

Post 171865 (missing)

(wavetule: "heating source", Chemicals & Equipment)

Bottom line heating flammable liquids is dangerous, bee prepared.


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a pan
« Reply #57 on: June 22, 2003, 07:14:00 PM »
Swim sometimes recrystallizes at home were he has coiled burners on the stove top. he Sits a coated frying pan on the coils and his beaker sitting ontop of that.. It spreads the heat with nothing else added. It has worked without busting a beaker for a couple years, now recrystallizing temps don't reach 105c so bare in mind this when reading my post..
E-bay is were to look for a Hot plate, Swim got one with a stirrer built in, a Corning with a ceramic top, I think he paid about 40 or 50 us dollars for it..


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coating on Jacked's frying it teflon?
« Reply #58 on: June 23, 2003, 03:00:00 AM »

he Sits a coated frying pan on the coils and his beaker sitting ontop of that.. It spreads the heat with nothing else added. It has worked without busting a beaker for a couple years, now recrystallizing temps don't reach 105c so bare in mind this when reading my post..

SWIM wanted to know what is the coating that is on the frying pan? SWIM has a 10x10 teflon coated flat surface cooking pan with handle (probably a stovetop pancake/bacon grill) that would sit nicely on top of such a hot coil plate. It appears that this would provide sufficient cover to avoid any spark issue from the cheap heating element. If used with a fan blowing the fumes away from the area and another pulling them up into the range it should be adequate until the arrival of a lab hotplate.


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Maybee acetone should bee avoided here
« Reply #59 on: June 23, 2003, 03:23:00 AM »
Swim purchased a different brand of acetone than before,
dried it then used it to rinse off some of those lovely STE
needles and before swim's eyes, at least 70% of the pseudo
needles disolved.

Swim thinks washing the pseudo in boiling xylene works