Author Topic: New Straight to E -- a novel extraction tech.  (Read 74098 times)

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« Reply #160 on: July 28, 2003, 04:59:00 PM »
That water-based a/b will pull more gakk than pseudo. Just because the stuff comes out white does not mean it is pseudo. You are extracting every PEG-linked inactive and activating emulsifiers when you add that water. Basing the way you suggest will alter the solubility of PEG400 and PEG 8000 --making both of them nonpolar soluble. You also are bringing any povidone with the stuff. Orange I and Orange II will be your constant companion.

If you examine the extraction threads in the digest thread at the top of this formula, you will notice not one of them suggests extracting with a water-based a/b. Do you think there might be some reason for that? Or do you assume that no one here ever thought to do a water-based a/b for pseudo?

You don't even take the time to mention the pills you claim to extract successfully by this method. You then suggest the method is a universal extraction technique. It is not, and your post is misinforming because it makes that suggestion. At one time the water a/b was THE a/b method of choice for pseudo extraction. At that time, you could extract most OTC pills with MeOH. Pills have been through several generations of changes since that time.


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Everyone is after that 15 min...
« Reply #161 on: July 28, 2003, 05:51:00 PM »
Hey VE & geez, I was watching S2E on t.v. and Mr. Jetson ran out of VM&P, having only about 300ml. Anyway, he went ahead with the first extract thinking he could finish later. Bringing the soup to a low rolling boil, Jetson filters the extract and heads out to spacely sprockets. Later the next day, he is ready to finish the task of extracting some sue-dough. He grabbed the container from the first extraction and looking into the beaker, it was seen to have a major crystal garden inside. Jetson poured off the fluid and foiled a sample. Sue Dough visited, and left a lil black residual, but no ash. Following an MEK washing, a faint brownie outline, from a second sample. Did the rest of the S2E per write-up, adding the solution from the first extract & pour off to the new and boiling batch. Jetson was seen helping Elroy with a Push/Pull using the Sue Dough from the crystal garden, and Elroy got an A from the teacher on quality, but a C on yeild. ANY comments or insight as to those xtals 1/2way through the show? The pills were mainly 60s (common) along with a few 120s for a robust yet eloquent bouquet....(LOL)


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Second set of pseudo
« Reply #162 on: July 28, 2003, 06:00:00 PM »
As the solvent mixture cools some additional pseudo will precipitate. This pseudo is gakked, and the gak makes it a little more soluble in the solvent at temp than clean pseudo HCl. That little fact also explains the lower yield.
You were gakked. The second batch of pseudo that precipitates out of the naptha/xylene mix is going to be dirty and must be cleaned further before it is reacted or it will bring gakk to the reaction with it. If you had a lot of these, your solvents were not dry enough to start with. (I made a quantity of IPA/natpha in a gallon jar--and left the salt and epsom salt in the jar; I hope that by preparing the solution earlier, it will be drier.

Save these tag ends of dirty pseudo up and combine them and do a xylene clean on them followed by an alcohol/acetone recrystalization.


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The Bull's-eye Place is watching you...
« Reply #163 on: August 01, 2003, 05:36:00 AM »
Just a little insight about the “Bull’s-eye” place. I noticed it referenced several time in this post. They (the “Bull’s-eye” place) employ high definition cameras in the Checkouts, Pharmacies, & PARKING LOTS (to insure the proper dissemination of the license plate). This from a friend being followed to the house after a 6 week documentation of purchasing habits. Luckily she stopped by the house before someone else took the supplies to the place. This is there effort to retain Pseudo stock and denture crime.

This lurker is out of the closet!!!! After how many years???


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About Steps 3 & 7 of New Straight to E
« Reply #164 on: August 02, 2003, 06:04:00 AM »
In step 7 I'm pretty sure that you just filter it to a new flask.. but i had to make sure i didnt mess up.. but my question is do you filter step 7 back into the elemeyer flask in step 3 w/the solids or bottom layer? You said only 1 elemeyer flask was needed so this kinda threw me off..

>03) Filter this into the elemeyer flask leaving any solids or bottom liquid behind and then transfer this solution into the second clean beaker.<

>07) Place a funnel with filter paper in to the elemeyer flask.
Filter the solvent mixture while hot leaving as much of the solids
in the beaker as possible.<


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« Reply #165 on: August 02, 2003, 11:19:00 PM »


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« Reply #166 on: August 03, 2003, 03:22:00 AM »

boiling naptha+isopropyl alcohol doesnt seem like it would be a good idea,

 I think you had better do a little more reading... Making meth should'nt seem like a good idea following that line of thinking.


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If it don't
« Reply #167 on: August 03, 2003, 07:29:00 AM »
If one thinks it doesn't sound like a good idea, that person should probably leave the kitchen and go watch tv. Thanks geez, I'm catching on here and there. BTW I have gone back to grinding 60s as in the dreams I have, 120s get a blowout and the insides dissolve/pill mass leaves the "husk" but the 60s... Well I watched a rerun of a S2E and the 60s weren't dissolving completly, I ended up taking a bunch of dried pill mass from Mr. Jetson and pulling out a shitload of 60s and crushed em' mortar and pestle style. S2E again and BINGO there is where the stunted yeild was hiding. Antiways, Thanks again on the clarification as to the gakkifination.
Back to the study hall. lol


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White 60's
« Reply #168 on: August 03, 2003, 10:12:00 AM »
All the white 60's that Ibee has disected as of late have a husk. He was amazed at the bulk of trash shells left over after crushing with mortar and pestal then passing through a fine seive strainer.
Any bees still grinding white 60's, 120's and 240's with blenders and coffee grinders are getting more than they bargained for. :(
Mnkyboy's cracked pearl technology is less labor intensive than individual dry cracking.
Ibee is working on developing a method for dissolving the shells since he has soooo many specimens.
This is in keeping with his philosophy of taking out the gaak rather than taking out the pfed.
Peace of the reaction



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what does the salt do
« Reply #169 on: August 19, 2003, 07:11:00 PM »
Swim loves this but doesn't understand what the salt does.  He asked a friend and they thought it destablized the water to help the epsom absorb it easier.  But SWIM just doesn't know.


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« Reply #170 on: August 19, 2003, 10:43:00 PM »
Salt helps dewater the alcohol. IPA Alcohol is not miscible in salt water the way it is in fresh water. Adding salt to the IPA/water solution turns the water to salt water, which will separate from the alcohol.


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Synonyms or ingredients for VM&P
« Reply #171 on: August 26, 2003, 07:48:00 AM »
Over here in The Lucky Country, sadly no suppliers have heard of the solvent known in other lands as VM & P Naptha.

It is more than likely that the same solvent is known by a different name over here. However it is hard to find out what that is, without some indication as to the properties, or constituents, of VM & P.

Could any of you be of help here? Like, what is the boiling range of VM & P?  I assume that it is over 105'C? And are there any trade names that it might go by in the land of Oz?

Appreciate any assistance. Cheers to VideoEditor!


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« Reply #172 on: August 26, 2003, 09:25:00 AM »
VM&P naphtha is a combination of octane and nonane. b.p. range 125-151

I don't know in what proportions. But a 50/50 mix is safe.

none of the big three fuel companies have an equivilant as such. Really, I stopped at the research in to what it was.

I don't think the U.S. bees had much information on it's properties to give, because it's easy to acquire in the US.


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heres some
« Reply #173 on: August 27, 2003, 10:54:00 AM »
E-Z Varnish Makers & Painters Naphtha is a faster evaporating solvent than mineral spirits or paint thinner but is similar in strength. When used as a paint thinner its faster evaporation rate will shorten paint's drying time slightly. Add sparingly to oil based paints and coatings to achieve the desired viscosity for additional coverage, improved flow, penetration and leveling. Use to clean painting tools and spills before they dry. Do not use with latex paints, shellacs, lacquers or epoxies. E-Z VM&P Naphtha may be used as a cleaner to remove wax and dissolve grease or oil.
Specifications Typical*
Gravity, API at 60oF (D - 287) 57 - 63 59.5
Specific Gravity at 60oF (D - 891) 0.7275 - 0.7507 0.7408
Color (D - 156) 30 min 30
Color, Pt - Co (D - 1209) 10 max <10
Flash Point, oF, T. C. C. (D - 56) 50 min (10.0oC) 52 (11.1oC)
Kauri - Butanol Value (D - 1133) 30 min 32
Aniline point, oF (D - 611) 153 (67.2oC)
Acidity of Distillation Residue
(D - 1093) Neutral Neutral
Sulfur H2S / Doctor (D - 235) Negative Negative
Corrosion (D - 130) 1 max 1
Composition, Volume %
Total Aromatics 1.0 max <0.1
Distillation, oF (D - 86)
IBP 245 min(118.3oC) 250 (121.1oC)
50% 265 max (129.4oC) 258 (125.5oC)
Dry Point 300 max (148.9oC) 287 (141.7oC)
Shipping Data:
Pounds per Gallon, 60oF (15.6oC)6.17
Kg per Liter, 60§F (15.6oC) 0.74
Flash Point, oF (T. C. C.) 52 (11.1oC)
DOT Label Required Flammable Liquid
DOT Identification No. UN 1256
E - Z VM&P Naphtha meets the following standard specifications:
ASTM D - 3735, Type I and Type III
C. A. S. No.: 64742 - 89 - 8


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here this is cool
« Reply #174 on: August 27, 2003, 11:52:00 AM »


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why, thank you!
« Reply #175 on: August 27, 2003, 08:35:00 PM »
See that CAS#, that isn't VM&P Naphtha. VM&P is a primary constituent of that, but that's available in australia by the big three fuel companies.
It covers VM&P naphtha but it isnt quite as consistant. Still, I'd throw it in the pot.

In any case this whole procedure isn't up to Ozpill standards and it isnt worth acquiring the VM&P to test it. At least not as a complete means to an end.

There's other work to bee done... 8)  8)

The pdf was excellent man thanks! offtopic but youll get in trouble not me.(for that)  ;D


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not enough for all pills
« Reply #176 on: August 27, 2003, 09:11:00 PM »
halfkast-- the procedure is not enough for all American pills either. There are some pills that this technique will, by itself, produce clean pseudo ready to react. Some white sixites pull very cleanly by this method, but not all of them. There are some, e.g. generic 120's, that are simply not sufficiently cleaned by this process alone to react without expecting yield losses and contaminated meth.

I have polished the pseudo post extraction with some success. Recently I did microwave solvent boils of the pill mass, then extracted via STE and had excellent success extracting clean pseudo from very gakky pills.  That one-two punch will be applied via sledgehammer to the next few boxes of 120's that fall into my hands. Results will be described in general terms or pornographic detail, depending on who does what to whom.  ::)


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your right of course
« Reply #177 on: August 27, 2003, 10:25:00 PM »
I think the problem here is magnified greatly by the fact that decongestants aren't as freely obtained as there. So brands and variety of techniques don't get tested.

Oz bees problems are the same as yours really

American bees have done a good job on pills, and I've never seen you guys complain about oz bees lack of input. *cry*..other than that your a disgrace to humanity  ;D  

availability of pills in australia
this could change soon believe it or not, and not get worse. Wool***ths is planning to challenge the law which doesn't allow supermarkets (grocery stores) to set up a pharmacuetical department. It's still unclear though.


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« Reply #178 on: September 04, 2003, 03:11:00 AM »
Sorry to bother such a high bee such as yourself
but swim had a real shitty extraction with this useing actifools from the 1.00 store 20 box of 24 count 60's
at 105c instead of my lil white friend popping out like i have read when it hit 105c swim saw something and was evry happy but when flitered was left with a white ball of cotton type gakk? what went wrong ? every thing was done to a tee ? swim saved theslovent ectracts and the gakk ball of all white fiber like stuff .... any advice?


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cost of pills outrageous?
« Reply #179 on: September 04, 2003, 11:39:00 AM »
how many pills and what cost? Is not this process outragously expensive? buying pills over the counter then the cost of solvents. Then you have to manufacture amphetamine from your ephridrine.Has anyone done the calculations?