Author Topic: Carefull at ye old feed store  (Read 8077 times)

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Carefull at ye old feed store
« on: July 27, 2004, 02:05:00 AM »
Some interesting notes. Some short time ago SwiSD and one of his associates had, as it were, one injured animal. So purchasing some supplies at the local feed store seemed in order. Promptly purchasing a couple of pints of a known “strong” antiseptic, upon leaving the point of said purchase, a fellow good citizen walked by the car and casually informed S/D and Associate, that the clerk had written down their license plate number. S/D  found that to be rather humorous and went about his way. Now some shorter time ago SwiSD found that he had somehow accidentally spilled his fine antiseptic and proceeded to a different feed store to purchase another pint of such. Upon leaving the store, S/D looked up just in time to see this little cock-sucker writing down his license plate number. Now S/D has been around way too long to fall victim to such cheesy tactics, because he certainly doesn’t have anything in his name nor anything that can be tied to him. He doesn’t know if this is a local thing, a statewide thing or a nation wide thing, but it might behoove any and all to take note. You’ve been warned


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Strong Antiseptic
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2004, 07:56:00 AM »
Here on the east coast we can still get gallons of your favorite "strong" antiseptic.However, theres no whack clerk performing on the side fuzz work either.I cant believe that there making 7.50 an hour, and working for the cops too bastardz!!


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what if
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2004, 08:12:00 AM »
What if next time SD needs some strong antiseptic and he see's some cock smoker taking his licence plate number down (Assuming that SD uses his own car) :o  ::) ,SD should run out there and with a strong frusterated toned voice say to the cock smoker,Ohh my god what's going on what have you done, Did you hit my car with yours or something how much dammage have you done, And the response SD get's should bee the answer to why he is taking your licence plate number down ::) .

But thats the sort of thing swip would do in SD's situation :o
Anyway it is sad to hear SD accedently spilled his antiseptic :o  ;D  ;)


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pretty common practice
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2004, 09:21:00 AM »
We've had that problem at a couple of farm and ranch stores in my town, but not with others. This suggests the actions are taken at the local level, most likely motivated by law enforcement "educating" store clerks about meth related purchases. At one point it was a serious concern here, but the fears have abated a good deal since Pseudo tabs were moved to schedule V in my state and placed in the pharmacy


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Tincture disappearing from shelves
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2004, 09:39:00 AM »
Swim's favorite antiseptic tincture used to bee available at a pharmacy in a neighboring county.  The pharmacist would always tell the buyer that the % of the tincture he/her was buying was too strong and burn the animal.  This particular pharmacy would also request you social security #, name and phone #, no kidding.

Now many of the "cool" feedstores have took their tincture off the shelves and the ones that still have it are practicing what Squidippy mentioned.(BTW, some feed stores in swim's area have always been known for this, but now it seems almost all of them write down plate #'s and/or require personal info)  Swim does not know why, unless it is like Geezmeister said and local LE have informed them of the "meth problem".

The disappearance of the tincture has hurt many a cook in swim's area.  Now many dreamers are crossing state lines to purchase the tincture.


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In my neck of the woods just about every feed...
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2004, 11:12:00 AM »
In my neck of the woods just about every feed store around will request a DL from anyone wanting to purchase tincture thats 5% or stronger. They write down your information in a log book that supposable get reviewed by the local LE for suspicious buyers who purchase a little too frequently.

I know of a person that "supposable" received a visit from a county sheriff at his home wanting to inquire about his numerous purchases of tincture that he made in such a short time. I never heard exactly what all took place while the sheriff made is visit but I'm sure his place was "hot" for while.

Recently I was told that there is no law state or nationwide that requires a person to show ID when purchasing tincture iodine. I was always under the assumption that there was such a law. I also heard that some feedstores ask for ID just as a scare tactic to discourage people with unlawful intent. On the othe hand I have also heard that some feedstores are working with the LE by keeping records of all iodine sales. And I suppose if someone looks too "tweeky" when making their purchase then they might get their tag number wrote down by some snitch employee.


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One Holdout
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2004, 05:34:00 PM »
SWIM 's area has one remaining feed store, owner loves the local owners of animals who have hoof trouble's, he has gallons of it. Guess we're lucky seeing whats going on elsewhere. Store owners a cool dude "i dont care wtf u do with it" he says


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haaa, haa
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2004, 05:57:00 PM »
The first feed store S/D mentioned very promptly, without fail, records ones ID #’s.
The second one just gives you a print out that reads, Name,……Address,………Product use. (Hee, hee).  But it appears that they’ve gotten wise to the “ Willy B. Zooming”, and “Shirley A Spinner”, signatures.
In the not too distant past, one use to be able to purchase gals of 7%, here, ……..No more.
It’s real easy for them to identify the dreamers. Let’s face it, farmers and ranchers, buy, Chicken feed, and alfalfa bales, horse blankets, and saddle blankets and Iodine. Dreamers buy,………….ahhhh,………….Iodine.
But the vehicle S/D drives, certainly isn’t registered to him. And S/D’s ID sports the address of his good old 92 year old grandma. And if they care to go visit, she will be more than happy to give them the full tour. All 25 acres. Course old granny don’t hear real well, and she’s damn near blind as a bat,……..but boy does she love to have company. And they be lucky if within 4 hours they can manage to get away,………carrying jars of home made applesauce and assorted jellies. Haaaa, haaaaa,
Even as they drive away she’ll be right behind them, saying, “I bet you boys would like some hot cocoa.” “Wouldn’t you”? Like me said, Grandma just loves company!!


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out of the way?
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2004, 08:59:00 PM »


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No worries
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2004, 05:45:00 AM »
A few months ago swip had a little experince with some pharmacy clek's, As usal swip went into the parmacy and in a realy congested voice requested his favorte feedstock pills, (Mind you it one box per customer per day), And the clerk chick turned and looked at the pharmisist and looked back at swip and said she needed some I.D, Swip said no worries mam, The as he was about to get the I.D for her he sneezed  into his hands wiped his nose and proceded to gice the clerk chick the I.D, She looked at swip's hands keeping in mind the snot that could have been there and said that will be $$$$$, And said up the front of the shop, Dont worry about the I.D ;D
Swip asumes she dident want to catch anything from him ;D
But the silly thing is it was all a fucking act ;D , Nothing wrong with swip, She then sugested better and cheaper brands for swip, Espicly since swip said he already went to the DOC's and was told he had larengites and it would probly last a few days maybee a week,  ;D

So fellow bee's its all in your approach, Bee polite, Show some respect and dres to look respectfull ;)


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reading that
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2004, 04:19:00 PM »


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« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2004, 08:13:00 PM »


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« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2004, 07:56:00 AM »


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« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2004, 09:39:00 PM »


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« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2004, 06:39:00 PM »
No but it is rude to be mucking up a bees thread!  If you want to bitch about Mods, then that's fine and wonderful, but why don't you keep it on the couch or by P/M where it belongs? There is enough bullshit in this forum as it is. If  clowns like you, weren't posting off topic , unrelated, rants, in  places other than on the couch,.....then maybee, just maybe the mods wouldn't have to be such,,,"dick heads", I believe was your term.
Don't get me wrong, I have had lots of bitches and rants about mods.
But, keep it were it belongs. Don't mix apples and oranges. Feel me?


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Back on Topic
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2004, 07:17:00 PM »
In SWIM's area, there is only 1 feed store outside of city limits that sells iodine crystals by the 2 oz bottle. He also sells 7% tincture and he is so old that a bee could pass off someone else's ID and it is no problem. There are 2 other places outside of city limits that (only sell 7% tincture) and will photocopy the driver's license. They don't mess with tagging plates. As soon as you leave they fax the information to the clandestine laboratory response team!!  :o

Bee Very Careful! Iodine is starting to beecome a limiting factor between those that have and those that have not...


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Re: Iodine availability
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2004, 06:31:00 AM »
Scottydog, in Gluecifers area all the feed stores are now no longer carrying tincture.  Swim made a phone call to a supplier and the manger said "We are having trouble getting our hands on it."

So for the moment, Gluecifer is searching for new Iodine sources. :(


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hey scottydog talking about iodine crystals,...
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2004, 12:29:00 PM »
hey scottydog talking about iodine crystals, do they have a life time, I mean expire date on them, I got passed some from my favourite MacDonald's restraunt from Ronald MacDonald said to keep it in a dark place, and there was orange salifane wrapped around on the top is there a reason for that i did a search but no result for why the salifane..


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Ask me how good i am & ill tell ya
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2004, 02:10:00 PM »
Well folks swip was out and about just crusing the town and thought to him self, Fuck it ill go see if these nice people have I2 crystals in stock  ::) (not many retail outlet stock it in aus), So swip walked straight up to the desk at the back and asked to talk to the person in charge, As soon as swip asked for I2 crystals she looked at swip like he had something on his face and asked him for I.D :-[ , Swip replyed saying he left his wallet in the car and would be right back,(yea right, fuck you lady :P ) So swip decided to move on to another shop and walked straight up to the back desk again and asked for the person in charge ::) , The guy in charge ask swip what's up, Swip told him the he was down from another state with his horse trainer racing his horses during the week and one of the horses had developed hoof rot and it should be taken care of straight away before swip has to shoot a $800.0000 dollar horse :o .
The guy said what can i do to help, Swip said he need I2 crystals to pack into the hoof to burn out the rotted part, Then the guy sais, No wories mate how much would you like :o , Right then and there swip nearly died in the ass when he said how much ;D , So swip said $500 buck's worth if there is such a thing, The guy went out the back of the shop and then came back a few minuts latter with a few nice big ass brown jars.
Swip then chatted to the very nice helpfull guy, Thanked him and said good day to him.
So at that point swip fucking bolted to the car and fucked of very quickly, ( dam imsomnia)
So the moral to this story fellow bee is that if swip can do it in auz then you shouldent have any excuses :P
Nothing is imposible if you apply some creativaty, Come on people, Clandestin chemists are well know for there ingenuity ;)


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Any chashier jotting down anyones car liscence
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2004, 03:32:00 PM »
Any chashier jotting down anyones car liscence plate number that I'm driving with or in is begging to be stalked and preyed upon just like how the piggies their squeeling to would.  Except no warrants will be necessary in the plot to this scene. Several unarmed masked tweeker mucks could align any one or two feed stoe clerks with a few seconds of warning by these said tweeker mucks. It's a little illegal and immoral , but then again so are what these wanna-be cop kissin badge polishing pukes actions are doing.