Author Topic: giving up  (Read 7083 times)

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giving up
« on: March 03, 2004, 11:50:00 PM »
well it's time swim quit dreaming.4 out of 4 tries has ended with nothing.i saw on the news that anyone that can follow a recipe can make meth.well it's a can try and that's enough to get you arrested but that doesn't mean you made anything..damn somehow swim doesn't even get psuedo back let alone meth.made some good table salt though.swim has had alot of problems.i see some of swims mistakes.......

1.ghetto flask;makeshift flasks sometimes crack.
2.balloons suck;they leak,get holes,etc.
3.titrating is not as easy as it sounds..yes lye burns your skin condenser


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Only four tries?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2004, 12:46:00 AM »
You give up pretty easy. I had more failures than that before I pulled my first success off. I've had a lot more failures since.

That thing about any one with a reciepe being able to make meth--- remember that was a rumor started by law enforcement. They are the same folks who told you marijuana is a dangerous, addictive drug.

You didn't really believe them, did you?

All the same, its probably a good thing to call it quits. It is against the law to attempt to make this stuff. No one in the right mind would think of it.


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in fairness to zorilla:
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2004, 02:05:00 AM »
last time swimmy tried to dream, the medicine was 2x as expensive, and 2x as paranoid.
then, following the latest tips, got 3 parts end product to 20 parts precursor.

and that is with prior intelligence.

not only that,

the 3 parts were not pristine, nor could they bee coaxed into pristinery, thru endless attempts; for the sake of a shred of dignity at the outcome.

they did kick ass, but carried some sort of gumminess to the bitter end.

hanging this up is not a stupid thing to do.
keep in mind that all the other components of sucessfull dreaming have also come under similar scrutiny.

of all the drugs to concede to the war, meth is the best.

give it up; forget it; ain't gonna happen

no need to purchase all those noxious items; no need to stay up all night.

let's grow some mushrooms now.


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Its really not that hard, but that doesnt mean
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2004, 03:01:00 AM »
Its really not that hard, but that doesnt mean that any idiot can do it. Just sit and plan out the entire procedure before starting. Be a scientist.


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15 failures....
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2004, 03:28:00 AM »
If 15 failures E-qual hardheadedness...then so bee it!
But Ibee calls that learning and in turn equals success through determination!
Learning requires discipline!
Giving UP on anything means you're not willing to endure the trials and errors of the learning process and the challenges they present!
This following statement may be better off said in another thread on the subject but it applys here as well!
"Ibee said all along that there is nothing that can stop the extraction of pills to the point a usuable precursor cannot be obtained for the intended purpose as discussed in this forum."
The day bees are threw is the day they take the product off the shelf as they did PPA, not a day before! And Ibee will eat his hat if they are through then because there are far more sophisticated ways of obtaining the end result if those bees have been paying attention and putting to practice some of what's been shared here.
Most bees won't have the skill or the ability to do what it takes if they lack the ambition to learn how to it or lack the capacity to apply and refine the practices necessary to continue making dreams cum true!
Nobody ever said you can only learn so much and it's smooth sailing from then on.
This is a continued education class!
Drop out if you want....but Ibees tuning in first....then dropping out as he's always done as suggested by Ole Timothy Leary! ;D
When the GO`ing ghets tough....The tough don't lay down and GO to sleep! :o
The tough better Ghet GO`ing! ;)


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I beg to differ
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2004, 05:47:00 AM »
Anyone who can follow a recipe can too make meth, and it's been done time and time again with great success.  If your only source of information is from online and not one-on-one, you're bound to encounter some problems, but what did you expect?

1.ghetto flask;makeshift flasks sometimes crack.

If your flasks sometimes crack, something's wrong.  If you started out by spending $20 for a brand new, high-quality Pyrex or Lab Glass flask, this wouldn't have happened unless you were being careless.

2.balloons suck;they leak,get holes,etc.

Even the 16" punchball balloons?  I disagree.  Unless you're pulling off quarter-pound batches or greater, in which case kitty litter would fix your problem.

3.titrating is not as easy as it sounds..yes lye burns your skin

Titrating is not at easy as it sounds?  If you can make a rootbeer float, you can titrate... I don't know what part you're having difficulty with.  And have you ever heard of wearing gloves? condenser

No wonder you didn't end up with anything.

You make it sound like meth is hard to make.  I completely disagree, and I agree precisely with those in law enforcement.  If you can follow a recipe, you can make meth (high quality and high yield), and they aren't making up bullshit on that one.  Jack can make better meth than he can make brownies, and he can make some mighty fine brownies.


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giving up
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2004, 08:18:00 AM »


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if it wasn't illegal swim wouldn't even ...
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2004, 01:09:00 PM »
if it wasn't illegal swim wouldn't even consider giving up.swim may try again if he gets a proper flask and a condenser.


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Think abour it
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2004, 02:49:00 PM »
If you use a foot long clear braided hose the gas condenses
beefore it gets to balloon.Balloon no problem.
Oil baths are tricky as you think you have temp at 100C
and ten minutes later it has shot to 180.
They take a long time to reach their constant temp but once
they do you can stop having to use your brain for 48 hours.
You do not need a condenser to get some product.They are great but you have to get the rxn phase down first.
As for illegal.Trust no one.Usually a punk kid gets caught
with whatever and they scare the hell out of him with being an old man when he gets out unless he can give them some names.
The reaction is odorless with proper equip.
All the precursers are over the counter(except H2SO4 is getting harder to find and you don't really need it)so
no one has your name in any book.
You seem like you know what to do and swim bets next time
 you succeed.


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« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2004, 05:36:00 PM »
How many people do you know of that drove a car before they learned to walk?

  How many gave a public lecture before they "saw spot run"?

If we all learn things at different times in our lives, then why would this be different.

  You know what's best for you and have all the answers you need inside. So you say your giving up, well that's to bad.  This post however sound like a final "I shall not be defeated" cry.
 IMHO you are now reaching the point where one finaly deserves the reward.  If you are like most it is unfortunate that focus is misguided and technique gives way to sketch logigic and what if loops.

For example, SWIW long ago would waste solvent,time, and energy trying to "get it all", all the lquid in the jar, all the powder in the grinder from the pills, all the tidbits scattered across the 120 tools used this round.  Only to rediscover that simplicity and patience along with practice and a working knowledge (??) of the chems was all that was really required. By using less steps and slower precise actions and 4 not 120 tools yeild miraculously went up. Hmm?  Granted if not for the chembuffs here progress would slow considerably.....

SWIW did not have the hive or internet or help and refernce at beck n call for years.  Tehn blam after 10+ yrs in the dark a weird web page was discovered.  "was that a link behind this ad?"  And then there was light. What excitment seeing others share and learn in a visit what SWIW had "kinda figured" with blind observation and trial and error.  Hmm no hive and yet candy flowed.

I guess what I'm saying is break it up into parts.

 Pills for instence, Do you know the properties of Psuedo. Have you worked with it in at least 75+ percent purity to know what its patterns are when it forms crystal fast or slow from water or alky? What does it smell like when heated. How will it react when overheated and does all this vary according to ph?

The fact is that once you become very familiar to the reagent props you will have mucho situations under your belt as to how each will react in given reaction.

short story;

When little Johny and Jill had their electric was shut off for nonpayment one would think they would slow down and get it together.  Instead they moved/shifted into the living room where the fireplace provided heat, light and hot meals. Though there home life was now mideval the candy still flowed.  By candle light and time.  Pills were extracted and spread over many plates to dry. Next day they were cleaned and again overnight drying. all was modified and could be done in near darkness, freezing temps and without electricity.  Yeild suffered and rumors abound and eventually the two clawed there way back to societies level with the standard eminities at home.  Point is if ya want it bad enough you will have it.

If things get frustrating and you want to take shortcuts WALK AWAY.  Things look so diferent even after a little break. (Ok lets see where was I?);>
Do not doubt your previous steps or work and apply sudden changes in an effort to fix what aint broke. (You've put in your study time and know the visuals of the reaction why doubt yourself, consult someone else however before making deviations when needed.  Practice practice and thae tequniue will come for whatever given step at whatever scale. Hell pouring out of a round courning dish or making it into a bottle from a coffe cup without spilling or dripping comes with time and experience and so does the rest.  Like I said break it up.  Then before trying it once more, take small amounts of each reactant and combine to see if dry enough clean enough and what it looks like when they are combined in their preent forms. 

Or keep payin out the ass for MSM


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Giving Up? ... Is that really what you want to do?
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2004, 04:49:00 AM »
Giving up is a very serious question.   PERIOD!!!

There is no right or wrong answer to this question.


Swim knows what your going through, the frustration, the disappointment, the disgust.  Swim goes through it all daily just like most everyone else, in some area of their life.

Forget this undertaking and look at the other areas of your life for a minute?  Bet you are having challenges there too.  Giving up on everything?  Everybody? Yourself?  LIFE ?

I hope not, and I believe everyone else here at The-Hive (most atleast) will agree.  Significant bees anyway.  Just look at who has answered your post....

Honestly, no one will ever know or care if you quit but I can guaranty that they will rejoice in your victory if you continue seeking this out.  I have seen this in them and that is why they, "The Elders", are here.  To help, to guide, to correct, to teach, to counsel and most of all to rejoice in your success that they were able to get you too.  Your success is their success but your failure is not.  The information is here but you have to find it and it is not always easy to figuer out how?

It's not likely you will find someone to come over and give you hands on, one on one lessons to make meth.  Not at all.  But there are many resources here to find the information you need to succeed.  If you don't succeed you have only yourself to blame.

I will never know whether you really succeed or not.  For I do not know who you are.  If you says you did it, how will I know the difference?  Success is really only important to you.  As mine is to me.

Swim had about 20 Rxn's down the drain, in about 6 weeks, before finding Rhodium's site and there were the answers to the questions he had at that time.  Continuing his search, swim gained understanding and knowledge about his task.

Trying different techniques, methods and ways, constantly searching for better improvised equipment the failures got worse as the methods he seeked were better. 

Swim lost the hose he was holding his thumb over to keep pressure in his slacker reaction spraying HI acid across and into both eyes, both arms and chest, 3 bathroom walls and a hamper full clothes.  Swim survived after a week of healing from burns, especially his eyes.  The clothes didn't and the bathroom had to get a facelift.

Swim's passion grew with each failed Rxn but one day as his understanding and comprehension grew he realized that the "Slacker Method" he had just tried was a bust he made a condenser out of a glass turkey baster and and slow cooked it for 60 hrs.  6 grams of P-fed yielded only 0.330 gms.  BUT DAMN!!!  It kept 2 people up for 4 days straight.

Even now swim's batting average is only 0.200.  About 1 out of 5 times at bat does he hit.   ONE IN FIVE

That sounds bad but when he hits it, he HITS IT!

Yields suck out the ass, at about 20%.  But hey, this is fun and enjoyable and swim's escape and distraction from work and all the other challenges that start to overwhelm. 

The hive was found on accident when the "BEE" got clicked on accident at Rhodium's site.  This is the place to be if you want to succeed.  The help is here if you access it. 

Swim is far from a success story and by know means knows enough to give advice on a synthesis, so don't ask.

Your plea for help stirred the passion in my soul and I could not leave it alone.

The failures are what makes the successes so good.  What challenge is there in doing something that everyone does?  Why be satisfied with the status quo?  Why be normal? 

What is normal?

Be yourself and please yourself.  You are the only one that can make you happy.  If you don't want to do this then don't.  If you do though, and we all know you do or you wouldn't be here, then "COWBOY-UP!!! and do it again.

This is not easy, but I do believe that most anybody can learn to do it, given enough time and most of all patience.

It's your decision, make the one that's right for you.



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nice pep talks, guys
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2004, 03:51:00 PM »
but really,
this ain't about flasks and condensors or lab technique.
this is about the fucking precursor, its availability and lack thereof, and the ever increasing amounts of foilers in the shitty pills.

fuck, you don't need a condensor to do this; that's never been the problem.

seems to me, this drug will either bee mafia only, or it will bee made by more serious chemists, thru some of the more exotic routes beeing discussed in this forum.

quitting has a bad ring to it, yes.
but how many more trailors have to burn down; how many more people have to go to jail, for a pursuit of something that maybee (just maybee) ain't all that great even when its perfect?

anyway, if bees are having troubles w/ this rxn and have yet to encounter the new gakks, well

you might just want to give it up now and save your life.


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VideoEditor's Straight to E
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2004, 10:19:00 PM »
VideoEditor's Straight to E extraction technique, alone or with no more than some pre-extraction solvent boils and a recrystallization, have been 100% effective in removing nearly ALL inactive ingredients in Jack's expereince.  He's done this extraction method on every brand name out there, and it works flawlessly every time.  I don't know of any other extraction method out there that works even remotely as good.  Like I said, with some pills, pre-extraction solvent boils or post-extraction recrystallizations are necessary (they are always recommended), but I think it'll be some time before this extraction method is ever phased out.  That VideoEditor guy is a genius.


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« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2004, 10:58:00 PM »
well...failing because of getting nothing at the end...

that only happened to me when i had to much water but didnt cook long and happened when i stupidily tried a long wet reflux but forgeted to read the WET dry...

I ALLWAYS FELT SPEED. I really dont care if it was REAL meth or partial reduced. WHAT I KNOW IS THAT EVERYTIME I ENDED WITH SOMETHING I FELT SPEED excepct this 3 or 4 times (I have runned maybe 25 reactions from 1.5 g to 3.5 g of pseudo. some of them i can say better speed than others of course)

anyway i cant say sucess since yields werent satisfactory (50% at the best)

IMPORTANT: first time i tried i didnt know nothing about this shit. I followed the CURNS NANO using 1.5E/3I/2RP all OTC. had a print of the writeup near me.

-I've even run the reaction on DARK GREEN GLASS bottle!
-used a sand bath and a camping mini stove at maximum power!
-didnt cook for one hour...make it 50 minutes...
-ballon which got SPLAT because of the hot...
-4 drops of dwater

next i did the workup:

-added the 20 ml of dwater and almost imeaditly filtered it.
-throwed the reaction vessel to the garbage!(can u believe?)
-the liquid was yellow!
-NO WASHINGS AT ALL (the paper didnt mention them)
-after a entire night evaping the reamains we're MINIMAL (a line or so), yellow shit with a enormous smell of turpentine...(i used it for a/b extraction) which was completly impossible to consume.

i thought "well at least i made the reaction...".

Next day i got a "Intelegence Strike" which made me run fast to get the reaction vessel from the garbage.
added more water but this time i decided to leave it for some time.

THE RESULT WAS 0.5g of a yellow shit which i cleaned with acetone.
Decided to smoke it...well in 30 years i never tried meth and i can say i can never forget what i felt when i inspired from the aluminium!!!NEVER
I can say even more...i think i will never felt that again...


My advice to you:

(U shouldnt write things like "lye burns my skin..." for god sake...)

u can have other factors to deal with but check this:

-Pay attention  if reaction is getting dry or if to much water is present.for the first add more drops (4), for the second boil it for some more time

-Glass crack...well if u cant afford anything more thick than TAKE TIME TO LET IT COOL. I dont have any expensive shit. Normal bottle allways the same. Crack it 2 times because of that...didnt give time to cool.

-buy a simple vinil tube with the outside 1 mm bigger than the inside dimater of the top part of the reaction vessel. buy 1 meter than use 30 cm pieces. Make a hole where u can introduce the end of an eyedroper so u can add water if necessary (syringe its better but i cant get my hand on one here). This hole is used to let some "acidic vapor" to get out if u feel that your ballon is getting TOO HOT and TOO BIG. Dont forget to cover it with the same electrical black tape u should be using to seal all.

ok enough. dont give up. apart from the mind part its allways fun to do this things!LOL

peace!ganza out!


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i can't believe this much response
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2004, 11:34:00 PM »
i'm honored to recieve sooo many responses;and from some of the best bees .although swim has given up he extracted some psuedo today.yesterday drove half the day buying matches,psuedo containing pills,rubber stopper and braided pvc hose.i'm afraid swim is addicted to making it instead of using it.the old ocd (obsessive compulsive disorder)seems to kick in when swim is trying to accomplish and night it seems to outweigh everything else.
   i think the most frustrating is when swim gets nothing;not even psuedo.also those damn matches suck but swim only has this option for RP.aint gonna order it from an online auction.
   i guess i didn't realize that several failures was the norm;i thought it was just me.thanks for all the advice swim really appreciates it


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« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2004, 12:05:00 AM »
i had no idea such persistance existed.

here i am, beeing an advocate of giving it up; based entirely on new political realities and shitty precursor, and people who have missed it dozens of times are willing to sojourn on.

swim's first dream worked, though it went against all advice.
fortunately, it only worked enough to make me feel succesful for a few nites after the work-up.

in a way, suceeding at this could bee worse than failing.

what would one do with the results, if they were large and pristine?

beecome an addict?
brag to friends?
beecome a drug dealer?

or simply have a stash; like a tool, in the garage.

it is remarkably unlikely to bee cool about said success, should it rear its ugly head.

well, fuck, bees... i hate to bee this dour. but if someone hears me, and can extrapolate on what i'm saying; especially regarding the increasingly unlikely possibility of success, and its inherrently human challanges, than, its all good.

i just wish there was some equivilent to this degree of dedication; this amount of courage in the face of the law; that had to do with making a world for our kids to live in.


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Try straight to E on 120's
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2004, 10:11:00 AM »
Try straight to E on the most plentiful and available form of pseudo on the American market. Yep, that's right try it on any form of 120 mg pills?

VE is a genius, yes very true. His gassing method rocks!

It is only a 1st step to the cure and with 120's, doesn't fucking cut it! (IMHO)

Try it 1st and then refer to TFSE for further notice...


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and remember
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2004, 07:33:00 PM »
Scottydog's sense of humor is transparent. If you don't see the humor and fail to read between the lines, you will miss the point that he does NOT suggest you extract the 120's with Straight to E. (At least not if you want to make meth. If you are concentrating certain polymers for some other purpose, it may be the ticket on those pills.)


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good dreams lately
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2004, 06:01:00 AM »
swims dreams have been good lately.swim let reactions go 24 hrs plus at 100 c.yields were small but at least swim got something.after basing and letting reaction fluid migrate to to the non polar solvent cleaning it with distilled water a lye wash and another distilled water wash solved the problem of making salt.thanks geez!!!!now that i've dreamed a good dream my advice is to cook for at at least 24 hrs and follow geez's a/b EXACTLY.


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ha ha ha
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2004, 06:57:00 AM »
just when I think you quit, they drag you back in.