Author Topic: Kollicoat MAE100P, were fucked!  (Read 19265 times)

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Kollicoat MAE100P, were fucked!
« on: February 11, 2004, 01:58:00 AM »
Sorry but had to clean out house incase Wareami is right about doors getting kicked in.
   BASF the largest supplier and manufactutring of Psuedo and Ephedrine in the world, also most advanced in copolymers!
  I have a buddy who works there and it seems they have been having fun with us "Tweaks" for a while but now are feeling pressure from above and are perfecting until full termination of product which is only a step away.
   They have a even better one almost finished to wipe us out from the start, however his buddy will follow through so we think every thing is Okay until precursers destroyed.
   Check out the sweet 4 pigment coloration changes and what this bad mother can do. 
   Also don't miss the highlights of it being in about five different actives including our own psuedo and Eph.
   Look them all over especially the great nick name they choose for Kollicoat, our major fuckall who contains four different pigments,six sodium hydroxide groups for the A/B's and is in titanium dioxide,cellulose 80,actives like psuedo and eph, and about three others we know of. they all are at different places of our process for killing product throughout and in the end a big hot fuckall for smokers!
   We've already been dealing with his little brother for some time.
   I have to go know because I'm going to get sick from this post!
   Oh yeah, by the way you are only a "Tweak" if you are not a chemist who uses meth, from what I'm told!  To pharma products and then download Technical data on Copolymers.


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how is a body able to deal with it?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2004, 06:45:00 AM »
its a wonder a person can get any decongestant from this stuff.
evidently, our digestive tracts are up to the task.
guess we'll have to imitate that?


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The body doesn't necessarily need to isolate
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2004, 11:14:00 AM »
The pseudo in order for it to perform its task does it?

The way our body uses the pseudo is a completely different process than the rxn needed to convert pseudo to meth.  I just don't see how imitating the digestive system would be helpful.  But i could bee wrong.


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hey jumper
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2004, 11:16:00 AM »
what does this mean;

  "however his buddy will follow through so we think every thing is Okay until precursers destroyed"

so there is a new formulation and then they pull pseudo off the shelves???
       do these company chemists know how to break their own formulations??...they must do it as part of r&d...rhodium's thoughts on these adulterants would be interesting
            have fun


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This should beat any polymeric gakk
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2004, 11:55:00 AM »


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This procedure is also described in Vogel's...
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2004, 12:42:00 PM »
This procedure is also described in Vogel's (5th ed., page 220).
Vogel says you can purify a 2-15g sample with 100g SiO2 and a 70/55mm funnel.


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Hey Rhodium
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2004, 01:35:00 PM »
there is a bunch of things on your site that iv'e been unable to access for a few weeks opens up a blank page and then sits there doing nothing...of course this only happens with the best stuff-the most comprehensive pseudo articles and now the one you just posted in reference to the gak this computer difficulty me or you?...can you give a hint at what is in the thing on your site:

anyhow, have fun


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while swij is drunk...can you fuckers learn to
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2004, 02:27:00 PM »
while swij is drunk...can you fuckers learn to spell!!!...and to put sentences together....."Kollicoat MAE100P, were fucked!" fucked were they?(the more i look at the word "were" the less it looks like a part of the english language...stupid beer)...but seriously, this is an exciting topic so a few typos in the heat of the moment are forgivable. swij is rather interested in this subject because he discovered that one of his best friends relatives works as a chemist for a BIG pill manufacturer, and coincidentally a couple of hivers are having a similar type of luck tracking down the details of these fucking at least over the next year we will have an inside story as to what these bastards are doing...apparently this relative of swij's friend is quite interested in talking to cooks to hear the other side of the story, and he has no qualms about divulging company says may not do any good but it will be fun to swap stories with this dude...anyway,yeah, learn to fucking spell...(especially the word too, as in also)..have fun

PS swij can't look at stuff on rhodiums site for some reason...what the hell is in that above mentioned link??


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Read this thread, and answer there
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2004, 02:47:00 PM »

Post 487832 (missing)

(hsark: "cant view certain post on rhodium? please help", General Discourse)


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« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2004, 03:13:00 PM »
AJ: Unless your willing to upgrade your browser, then problems abound accessing certain things.
For the above reference to the doc rhodium refers to do a
for "flash pad chromatography"

As for this new threat....thanx for the heads-UP JUMER!
The Kidz will JUMP right on it!
One question?
Can ya make trampolines with it?


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« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2004, 03:57:00 PM »


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Perfecting gakk
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2004, 04:24:00 PM »
Keep in mind, the chemists do not want to TOTALLY perfect gakk to the point that pseudo becomes unextractable. Think about it, "Great job team, the patent is a complete success, the only meth the DEA will bee busting from now on will come predominantly from Mexico. Now that we have reached our intended goal it saddens me to say that we will only keep a few of you employed for future unrelated projects. The rest of you are free to seek other employment opportunities."

Do you really believe that the DEA or pharm industry wants totally unextractable pills? I don't buy that for a second.

A U.S bees, biggest fear right now are state bills and proposals that would require ID at the point of purchase (turning clerks into cops). It is my understanding that 7 states have passed such legislation. Then a cook would have to theoretically have his customers help in acquisition, take the risk of travelling with a trunk full of pseudo from neighboring states, synth L-PAC or move closer to the border.

Its surprising that some bees have survived the hype for so long.

Also, please remember that state legislators get high too!  ;D


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does the body need to de-gakk psuedo?
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2004, 07:15:00 PM »
good point; its not the same as doing a rxn; perhaps the body can use it gakked. i suspect not, but sure don't know.

interesting that the body exposes the pill to an aqueous Hcl solution pretty much at the beeginning.

but it does this in the absense of air.
i wonder if that is significant?

it certainly is in the case of glues and caulks and cements.
they stay soft until exposed to the air.

i wonder if wareami has messed with acidic methanol in the absense of air?
followed by tyvek?

i wonder how much fuss bees will go to in this effort?
i wonder what the miracle "cure" for 'Kollicoat" will bee?
if it's an obscure solvent, shouldn't we buy stock in it now?

i wonder if brake cleaner solvent sales made any gakk chemists rich?


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Of course it works
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2004, 09:29:00 PM »
good point; its not the same as doing a rxn; perhaps the body can use it gakked. i suspect not, but sure don't know.

You suspect not? as in the otc medications don't do anything when people use them as directed?  Of course the body can use them with the gaaks.


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Hey antjack!
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2004, 12:06:00 AM »
First off fuck you and spell check your own shit not others. When I first posted I was busting on people for making up words and shit, and now I love not having to poroof read my shit. I was giving info, not a english essay. His buddy refers to another copolymer who is our psuedo and is not exposed until the meth is used or heated. My buddy said something about the radical copolymers have such huge charges that they are hard to control and pop upon heating for IV or heating for smoking.
   Yes of course they know how to break them down, but I can't get that out of him. He did however say that they use a current and certain chems when doing A/B's to keep the bastards from coming across. Seems they don't like the charge competition and will stay at the uncharged end.
   I got the vibe that the chems were like the extremes at both ends of the ionic scale and then the current used because the copolymers will straddle inbetween and bulk together.
   I don't understand 1/4 of the chemist shit he says because I'm only a english teacher. Maybe I should just record the conversation and print for some chemist to interpret?  Who knows but I'm trying to help the bees!

   As far as the other chemist in industry who wants to know our side and is interested. The chemist playing with us know our fucking side and that's why it's such a fun game for them.


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Well Well
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2004, 12:13:00 AM »
Like SWIW said before, block the ability for the uptake of the pseudo and remove the purpose of the pill itself.

Swiw had a huge folder of collected data. For a week Swiw ripped through the web with 3 pc's linked into one console
switch and now the info is nowhere to be found.  Fuckin sleep does it every time, er anyway one interesting thing SWIW remembers is the change in ph as the acidic mix enters the small intestine. Seems as though all undergoes and a/b from stomach to small intestine ph goes from 2 then up past neutral to aprox 8.0.

Makes sence if ya look at it in terms of handels on molecules.  And slightly basic molecule sits on one side and slightly acidic blood flows on the other.  A titrated salt would form at the interface (moist intestine) passes to the blood and off it goes. The churning of the intestines doesn't concern itself with gacck and the action can be observed in a setup with a ziplock bag which allows one to churn mix and squeeze the contents of the ziplock.  Where is that file?....?? 
Be back soon hopefullly!

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Post 466774

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Post 458978 (missing)

(weaz1dls: "Pill Extraction", Stimulants)


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shorty; i didn't mean that
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2004, 06:43:00 AM »
people can still use the gakked pill for its intended purpose (though i doubt they work as well as they used to)
i wondered if the body has to de-gakk the pills beefore they work, and if so, how that occurrs, and can it bee copied.

seems that the pills need to take effect beefore they get into the intestines. wouldn't that take several hours?

just thinking on it..


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re: gak & sorry jumper
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2004, 09:09:00 AM »
one question is how much if any gak gets into your bloodstream, and then if it does get in what does it do? having seen this stuff it makes me a bit ill to think people eat it...

gee...i'm really sorry jammin, it's easy to hassle people on the other end of the net, especially if one has had a few...


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Your physiology is safe
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2004, 10:00:00 AM »
Polymers tend to stay in the intestine, unless being of a type the gastric juices can depolymerize (such as starch, protein etc). The infamous gakks aren't of that type, and are thus not taken up by the body.

The reason the body can "de-gakk" pills is because of active transport and osmosis-like behaviour. The closest you can get in the lab to such mechanisms is either the chromatography technique I linked above, or to use dialysis tubing where the pores are large enough for the pseudoephedrine to get through, but too small for the polymers. The latter technique will require quite some tweaking of the inner and outer solvent mixtures, pressure, pH, temperature and soluble additives, but after that is done it will do all the work by itself. Maybe high-pressure reverse osmosis (don't ask) could be used too?


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this is interesting
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2004, 10:30:00 AM »
there's a thread from 3 years ago called "Purification of pills the natural way

Post 248616 (missing)

(crystal_drone: "Purification of pills the natural way", Stimulants)
"  that talks about using pig intestine to extract pseudo...