Author Topic: Birch Reaction aftermatch  (Read 3984 times)

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Birch Reaction aftermatch
« on: August 22, 2004, 09:34:00 AM »
All the rxn mixture has been gassesed .  However What is the best way to squeeze the last bit of honey out of my post rxn.  Any help would be appreciated.  Please Im fully capable of using THFSE.  But I found nothing 8)


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Forgive me for saying this...
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2004, 09:57:00 AM »
but fuck!  Out of all the usernames you could have called yourself, what in the world posessed you to pick '

I know you've had to of seen the original Worlock's postings here or there, on or around the hive. Right?
Now I've never seen him post too much about birching pfed to meth. Usually he's posting about the hydriodic reflux reaction, but I say again..FUCK! You've got nerve.

Thats like some clueless fuck registering a name like...ummm... Low_Jock, or geezmaster.  It's just wrong and shows not so much disrespect, but your lack of originality and individualizm. get some.
Catch a clue and reregister under a different name the word..?) ..oh yeah, you fuckin' biter.
Word to my mother.

Oh and to squeeze that last bit out of the reaction you need to get one of them gatorade squeeze-type bottles. Fill it with your N/P and hcl, shake, invert, and carefully squeeze the hcl layer into a visionware pan and evaporate. Then go to Worlocks website and follow his recrystalization of chili technique. You fucking biter.  Damn your name pisses me off.


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First my friend....
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2004, 10:03:00 AM »
MY name use to mwarlock and I forgot my password and the hive never e-mailed it to me upon request.  So please take your head out of your ass and relize that I am not trying to copy the TWEAKER GOD>... and a very special fuck you
EDIT: It has already been gassed however the leftover rxm mixture (post-gassing) .  I would beleive still be holding Freebase M in it somewhere.  So once again  what is the best way to extract that last little bit.


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ok it's out. Now try learning about being...
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2004, 10:12:00 AM »
POP!  ok it's out. Now try learning about being yourself. A fucking m' in front of warlock still shows how small of an imagination you have. So if I lose my password should I change my username to L'Rhodium or werewasi ? No, you come up with something thats not like anyone else here. ok?

hold on....errrrummph! (sound of lowjacks head going back into his ass.)


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I thought this was a chemistry discussion...
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2004, 10:30:00 AM »
Swim thought this was a chemistry discussion forum not a were people overexagerat the importance of a name .. Were all here with one goal in mind , to learn more.  So if you have any helpful comments or suggestions I would be very interested

EDIT; Swim doesn't beleive in anyway swim was at the hive to impress you with my character traits, or am swim?  Individuality, originality.  Well how about intellegence because if you realized that I am only looking for answers to swiw problems you would notice that remarks about a screen name are foolish. :P  :-[

Low Jack . sorry buddy ,its an easy to remember name and well  what does it matter what my screen name maybe ,  were all here for knowlege , are we not.  Not to discuss vowels.


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low_jack's right why would u want to steal...
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2004, 05:34:00 PM »
low_jack's right why would u want to steal somebodys name and change a letter or might be a good idea to think of something else or u will get this feed back all the time u poser..


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Try this...
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2004, 09:51:00 PM »

Post 256861 (missing)

(dwarfer: "post reaction birch sep", Stimulants)

Post 254506 (missing)

(dwarfer: "Re: Hints and tips Needed from Bircher Bee's", Stimulants)

Post 482740

(Rhodium: "Copycat names are against the Hive rules", Stimulants)


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I'll take the bad karma
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2004, 01:13:00 AM »
Yep, SWIM and his plethora of different user names, will see to it that you get no respect. This handlejacking bullshit is something one might expect from someone at the now deceased One of the 1st sites that Swim ever became familiar with concerning methamphetamine was Worlock's "alkalinity" website. You are definately not him.

You will NOT bee welcome here until you change your user name. I'm sure I will create a few different ones myself to continue fucking with you.

There is no room here at the-hive for punks like you!


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easy enough
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2004, 05:56:00 AM »
The account has been deleted .  Im hoping we can all play nice now.  ahh fuck it weres my foil........Sorry for any displeasure I have caused the Members of the hive who are objective to my title.  So with no further adue I have deleted my account


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« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2004, 10:41:00 PM »
See how simple that was? 

And you have got to straight up give it to Jade for being the only one who actually helped (whatever his name is now) out.

Consider yourself lucky the birch is one of her strongholds. Well, that and exposing corruption within the united states. (or wherever she finds it).

No hard feeling Mr. ex-wanna-be-lock. It wasnt anything you said that was intollerable. Oh, and until one of those people with Solid red names tells you your not welcome are.

So dont let my nit picking or anyone else for that matter hand you your walking papers. Mods excluded , unfortunatly. :P


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oh gee
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2004, 01:32:00 AM »
what came first the syince or the active? I don't know but I sure as fuck ain't dumping my CYCO :P
Warluck, check out the really informative birch lit on Rhodiums page. (or Radium or some shit)
nobody cares what yer handle is there, more importantly, the info is probably just as reliable w/o all brouhahah in between. ;)