Author Topic: Whats better methcathinone or methamphetamine?  (Read 3445 times)

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Whats better methcathinone or methamphetamine?
« on: August 20, 2003, 02:34:00 AM »
methamphetamine it seems keeps one up for days,which I do not want.  Someone said that methcathinone resembles a coke buzz (social, on the ball euphoria), while methamphetamine is a balls to the wall manic experience, is this true?


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I know that it's subjective, but I would like
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2003, 02:35:00 AM »


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Results are in!
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2003, 06:07:00 AM »

Post 453963 (missing)

(Rhodium: "Your mileage may wary...", Stimulants)

I'm not beeing a prick...just echoing fact!
Peace of the reaction



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which better
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2003, 09:56:00 PM »
As Wareami says goes ditto here.
Whats one mans poison is anothers nectar.
Seeing how most questions in the stimulants forum
are concerning reductions not oxidations one certainly
has no doubt which is most popular.


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although this thread old old i may as well add
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2004, 03:50:00 AM »
although this thread old old i may as well add my 2 bits, maybe someone will benefit.

meth is pure and clear stimulation.  high octane.   methcat is much lower octane, give you motivation, but slows you down with confusion at the same time.  very euphoric, in my opinion more so than meth relative to the amount of stimulation.   it sends tingles all over my scalp and down my spine.   but then again i produced the cat with an undocumented method which may have produced more than just cat (h2o2)


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What method
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2004, 05:05:00 AM »
Why not share your method?


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meth via oxidation O.o
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2004, 05:46:00 AM »
um peroxide is only gonna oxidise that hydroxy to a ketone.

Depends on one's particular constitution whether or not one prefers one drug or another. I personally like meth because i am an introverted day-dreamer by nature and meth puts me on task, and makes me feel more confident in myself. I haven't got the time to waste on drugs that give me rushes, cos rushes always cost somehow. I recall using this dirty yellow crank a few years ago and the rushes i used to get from it... i was virtually gobsmacked for like 20 minutes after slamming i coudn't speak all i could do was lie down and take it in, i couldn't string a sentence together because the physical sensation was so strong i couldn't think. I think, in essence this is the unique character of methamphetamine, that is a very specific action, it speeds up your mind, and has very little physical sensations associated with it, except of course the elevation of one's cns activity.

BZP, while not being the anywhere near as specific, is the closest i've taken to an amphetamine in its effects, but it too has a particular physical disturbance and it causes some mental confusion too.

If you are the sort of person who doesn't naturally have that much problem concentrating then you probably won't appreciate the advantage of methamphetamine. For those with ADD, amphetamines are like a pair of glasses for the attention... If you have this problem, you are gonna love meth. If you don't, khat, coke, methcat, bzp and friends, hell even ephedrine is probably gonna be fun enough for you.

If only all meth was nice pure d-isomer pharmaceutical grade, and they had a proper system to diagnose exactly who would benefit most from it. I'm not certain meth is exactly what i need, but i've taken some fairly clean stuff (slight pale yellow tint of iodoephedrines) and at about 25mg of this stuff i was just perfectly dosed, just a little euphoric, very sharp focus and feeling very calm. How i would like to feel more often. It's hard to get on in life without confidence, most ppl get it from experience because they get the chance to prove themselves and the time to develop properly, but i've been struggling trying to find a way to fit into society. Having a add-like condition is a complete disaster for anyone wanting to try and get and hold down a regular job... try and stay interested for more than about two minutes in flipping burgers with ADD... it can't happen, trust me, no matter what i try, the only way i get up and do things i need to do is on meth, and the odd rare day i feel really together for some reason or other out of the blue.


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shorty: i will certainly share my method.
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2004, 04:23:00 PM »
shorty:   i will certainly share my method.   i posted it once long ago when i first found it worked.   however as i said, cat may not even be the only product of this reaction for all i know.  not to mention the pfed was still quite gakked.   i didn't intend on using it for any ROA other than ingestion.  but sumhow it was actually potent enough to sniff.  by volume the powder was about equipotent to the horribly low quality meth available in this part of the country (i miss the western stuff and i'm too damn lazy to whip up a batch(ironic how it seems i need to buy it to make it)).   sniffable quality has not been reproduceable since, likely due to a different gakk. 
to further confound matters, i increased the purity of the h2o2 by freezing, and thus i have no idea how strong it was.   all in all, a learning experience for a first timer.

EDIT:    removed 2 links,   found another post of mine,   i think this pretty much sums it up.  

Post 405498 (missing)

(superman: "more results", Stimulants)


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methcat is a dirty drug.
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2004, 01:37:00 AM »
methcat is a dirty drug. isn`t worth the precursors and the time. wouln`t belive it, but its unfortunately true


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I disagree with Dextro.
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2004, 11:06:00 PM »
I disagree with Dextro. Meth is stronger than methcat, but if methcat is properly made, you can have good feelings on it. I used homemade methcat both with oral ingestion and IV, and drinking it with water is the best way of taking it, for me. I love when methcat comes up, and you feel a very pleasant haze in your mind. you look around and you have the feeling that something different is going on, but in the same time your brain is "normal", in the sense that you feel high, but nobody realizes from the outside of yourself: you talk to people normally, you don't have those silly mouth uncontrolled movements that you can have after meth taking. You feel a lot of shakes in your back and cold in your skin, but when I'm going in bed my wife understands I have taken methcat because, she says, my skin is hot. I can't understand that. Sometimes it looks as if the effect is gone, but when you listen to some music and isolate from the world, immediately you understand you are again into it. Then I find methcat is an eccellent basis for a salvia or mushroom trip. Hours after the last intake, before going in bed I absorb some salvia extract under my tongue, and the effect is like a beautiful trip with my eyes closed at night in bed, with all fractal images in my mind. The same amount of salvia with no methcat is less powerful.
And then methcat making doesn't expose you to the purchase of controlled chemicals: this is a very very very good thing, if you consider the time running and the police state of our democratic Countries. Dichromate, you make water analyses with dichromate, just store it together with a bottle of iron ammonium sulphate, and, unless the pigs find the stuff, who can tell wether with the oxidiser you make methcat or COD? If the same pigs find in your cupboard a bottle of hypo, you could have troubles.
For me methcat is quite good stuff, and I know meth as well, mostly by IV. Meth is stronger, but I prefer methcat: more quiet, less dangerous, and it works pretty well on my fantasy, and it is a good base for a trip, whatever, salvia, cactuses or mushrooms. ;)  ;D  ;D


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No offense to anyone else, but
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2004, 03:13:00 AM »
I think methcat is shit.  :(


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No offence, don't worry.
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2004, 11:18:00 AM »
No offence, don't worry.
The latins used to say: "Tot capita, tot sententiae" (so many heads, so many opinions). :)  :)  :)