Author Topic: health problems to blame on h3po3??PLease Read  (Read 16675 times)

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your cocaine days are over
« Reply #40 on: March 25, 2004, 02:01:00 PM »
superman, your cocaine days are over. You are chronically low on serotonin receptors, and likely would benefit from some SSRI's. If coke does not do what it once did, move on. You will merely do further damage by continued use. Quit while you are ahead. It can take a long time to get the neurotransmitter balance back to a semi-normal status after long term cocaine use. If you want that organization thing, a little meth will do the same thing. without the serotonin receptor destruction.


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24 hours is ok now and then
« Reply #41 on: March 25, 2004, 02:55:00 PM »
My personal preference for using meth, when i am, is to mostly just take low doses that just get me awake and going feeling good and concentrating (my iq may not go up but my organisational skills and self-satisfaction in activity goes through the roof), and occasionally take some bigger doses, maybe one or two and be asleep again within 36 hours. I find the best time to take meth is right after a good night's sleep and a nice filling breakfast. And especially if i've been working my ass off physically (for example like i did a while back, as i built an extension to my gf's house) i like to have days off it and not go mad and work my ass off, as i am not as fit as i would like to be (and would most probably become if i could keep using the little dose in the morning on a regular basis, and got my hands on some rollerblades or a skateboard)... It's frustrating for me, i don't know what is wrong with me but for about 6 years (the change dates back to a breakup with a gf) i have ceased to be bouncing off the walls when i wake up in the morning, and this ruins my whole day usually. when i dose up on an effective psychostimulant all that inertia goes away and so does any lingering depression stemming from my frustration with my inertia. I wish i could just treat myself as i feel i need to be instead of having some stupid pharmaceutical industry telling me that i have to experience months and years of excruciating frustration while trying to find a doctor who actually figures out what i need and gives it to me *sigh*

and funny enough, when i dose on meth, i don't want to take anything else. I find pot ruins my focus and i would only take alcohol at the same time in rare situations of a purely social binge (of which i have only really had one, the rest i spent the time writing or drawing pictures) It even used to dramatically decrease my urge to smoke tobacco (which i don't smoke anymore) while i was tweaking out, i would be so busy with my pen and what i was doing on the paper that i didn't have enough interest in *anything* other than the drawing or writing, smoking the cigarettes was almost done perfunctorily, they do seem to reduce the muscle clonus a little which pot does a lot better, but pot ruins mental focus. But I find the purer and cleaner the gear is the less i want or need anything, and the less it fucks with my body temperature and appetite (as ephedrines tend to do)

I think it's a good drug which has been fucked up by being made illegal. Pharmaceutical grade meth is relatively safe to use compared with the strange concoctions that come out of most labs. It is not actually that hard to make it that clean but the 'rushes' and other stupid things that people like about their crank as opposed to the pure methamphetamine means that a lot of people's ideas about what amphetamines are supposed to do for you are distorted. Plus the misinformation, and like here in nz, the demonisation of the drug...

*sigh again*


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speaking of cocaine
« Reply #42 on: April 04, 2004, 02:51:00 PM »
has anyone heard anything concerning an organic parasite that is infecting some coke (especially bangers) users? not sure if this is total BS or not but swibbs seen several users in his area (a mexico border state) come down with very nasty brown recluse bite type of boils. a few peeps were first told it was a staph infection but recently a couple of users have been told by the emergency room docs it is a parasitic infection.


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Necrotizing fasciitis
« Reply #43 on: April 04, 2004, 04:28:00 PM »
Necrotizing fasciitis: "The flesh-eating bacteria"


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Waking Nightmares
« Reply #44 on: April 04, 2004, 11:04:00 PM »
That's truly some hideous bacteria.

The stuff waking nightmares are made of.


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there was an incident
« Reply #45 on: April 05, 2004, 11:08:00 AM »
in my country where some flesh eating bacteria infested heroin a few years back took out a few i.v. drug users as i recall. it was a wet dream for the police who i suspect exaggerated the thing


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a couple friends suffer the same afliction
« Reply #46 on: April 05, 2004, 07:30:00 PM »
SWIM has two friends that suffer from the same type thing. sometimes they devolop severe swellings either on the top side of the right wrist or on the bottom side of the right elbow. large angry looking red swellings that look like infections yet nothing ever comes out of them the way it does with an actual infection. always on the right wrist or elbow too. the product they do is from I2/RP rxn`s. they both bang it, smoke it, and take it orally so its hard to pinpoint which delivery method it might be. in SWIM`s experience the swellings look like something that might be from dirty needles but they swear they use clean shit and SWIM believes em on that point as he knows em both very well. might it be unclean product, say like RP not cleaned out completley? another thing is the two guys are brothers, might it be a genetic thing? SWIM has done some of the same product as them altho SWIM only imbibes on 3-5 day runs once a month or every other month on average whereas they seem to have made a career out of the shit. SWIM has never had so much a pimple form much less swelling on that scale. for the record SWIM isnt new to this game. he has been doing rxn`s of various types since 1979 and is well into his 40`s. could it be perhaps they just do too much product never letting themselves get cleaned out the way SWIM does?


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Thats What I Been Telling Them
« Reply #47 on: April 05, 2004, 10:58:00 PM »
SWIM dont bang the shit and what you said in your reply is exactley what SWIM has been telling them but as you know they wont listen till one of there arms rots off lol. its the nature of the beast for some. just thought it odd how some are more prone to it than others and these two are brothers and both have the same symptoms. Thank You for your input. SWIM agrees and intends to tell the dumbass`s the dreaded "itold you so" lol.


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sleep deprivation and hallucinations
« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2004, 08:55:00 PM »
sometimes the sleep is stolen back from you in tiny spirts, even 10 or 30 seconds, you just become asleep for a moment.

If you manage to, for real, prevent yourself from even this 30 second micronap, for 20 days, your body temperature starts to drop uncontrollably (it can start at about 14 days i believe) and if it goes on for long enough, you will just literally drop dead, because every cell in your body has ceased metabolising energy.

this is what happens in chinese water torture.

It seems that sleep is essential to maintaining the metabolic system and if it isn't done regularly the whole system slows down. people who use meth all the time and spend so long awake are depleting every single resource their body has, because it is during sleep cycles that the brain (well, to be exact, the endocrine system) puts out the repair signals (i believe these are actually tryptamines)

If you didn't remember any lost time during a long stretch that means you only had the micronaps. micronaps can even be as brief as a few seconds, even barely longer than the time it takes to blink your eyes - in fact the micronaps usually occur when nobody is around at the moment you blink. It is for this reason that one should definitely not drive a vehicle beyond 3 days of awakeness, as i know from my experiences that 3 days is the practical limit of wakefulness, from that point on the decline is very rapid.

The thing about voices and hallucinations, ppl are probably going to flame me for this but i have good reason for believing this. you are picking up on real psychic energies around you, and noticing subtleties, such as ultra subtle changes in the light caused by a bird flying past and casting a shadow on a slightly reflective object that is putting a small amount of light change in your peripheral vision. the peripheral vision is rich in the fast regenerating light cones (black and white) which is sensitive to rapid changes. When one is dosed on methamphetamine, the amount of light getting into the eye is increased by the dialation. Thus, things that might have completely missed your attention become a lot more visible to your eyes.

I don't really know why they appear to be people or why one can hear voices in noise and all that, but it's tied in somehow with the neocortex's visual pattern matching processes. I used to get shadow people just from chronic pot smoking and mild sleep deprivation caused by working as a prostitute and using caffeine to keep me alert. I used to often even see my cat as a shadow person, this persisted for quite some time.

I don't believe that they are 'just' optical illusions and the results of an exhausted neocortex which cannot properly filter your sensory input. There is another factor.

Scientists in the western world, being largely christian, have had a lot of conditioning from their religious background which has made them actively try to stamp out people doing scientific research into psychic phenomena. In some parts of the world (as our russian friends might know) PSI research is a valid avenue of science and quite a bit is now known.

I believe that emotions have substance, and that there are energies/entities that are animated by these substances, and these creatures, in old mythology, were called 'shades'. The hallucinations of voices are also not just hallucinations either, these energies also manifest in the form of voices and they can speak things to you.

schizophrenics are people who have been born with this, as i prefer to call it 'untuned psychic antennae', really it is just a sensitivity to super subtle sensory input - normals can screen it out, but schizophrenics can't. There are swarms of entities floating around us all the time, of various kinds, every manifest form has an animating spirit and every strong emotional expression in a place can get permanently stuck in that place.

like a simple but silly example, once i was visiting this didge player i knew, who lived near nimbin, nsw, and on one occasion as i went to walk out the door, i don't remember why i wanted to, i was just at a loose end and wanted to - as i walked out i got this urge to do a 360 turn before walking out, and one of the people in the house told me that a friend of theirs who used to live in their house not that long before frequently did a 360 degree turn when walking out the front door, just as i had done.

also, from my personal experience of using meth, i have found that i become extremely good at reading tarot cards and really getting to the core of issues that the person is asking about. In fact, i don't even need to use the cards at all usually. I have always been quite sensitive to people's emotions, and when i have recently dosed on meth (not while i'm high, afterwards) i tend to be very quick at picking up the emotional content that a person is experiencing.

I've now been starting to be dosed with ritalin, and even ritalin helps me become more psychic too. although, it's not as effective as methamphetamine (i've not yet taken dex afaik, also i believe that the 'speed' i used to take when i was like 17 years old, was actually extracted phentermine, because it did the same thing to my nasal mucus as a labeled phentermine pill)

I've come to the conclusion that i am actually a very psychic person but that i don't have the courage of to express the thoughts that enter my head unless my dopamine levels are high enough. In fact, it's kinda like, without the dopamine increasing drug, the info is all still coming in, but my conscious mind is all foggy and i can't even hear my own damn thoughts properly, let alone tuning into the psychic impressions that i receive.


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It is unbelieveable to me that this turned out
« Reply #49 on: August 14, 2004, 08:34:00 PM »
It is unbelieveable to me that this turned out to be such a big thread.h3po3 is out for me.No other method has produced such health problems as i posted.the swelling that I had in my hands takes about two months too go down and heal.this is unaceptable.I used to go many days without sleep when I was younger,sure I have sseen the "spirits or the things that are not there",but when my body has enough I would just pass out.I don't do things like that anymore,Why?because I have found that life is worth liveing and I no longer do so much meth as to "fade into the other world"
besides I got tierd of sobering up only to find out I had done things that I never would have dreamed of while sober,but then it could be that I am just Older now,Man I have woke up in motels before next to people I didn't know and had to ask the manager how long I had been there.took me three weeeks one time(many years ago) to go from lasvegas to chicago only because I left las vegas with a OZ of red rock,At the start of that trip I weighed 210lb.when I got to chicago I weighed 143lbs.never again
I try to take care of myself now :)


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Reason for health probs
« Reply #50 on: August 14, 2004, 08:45:00 PM »

I left las vegas with a OZ of red rock

Swim thinks that maybee you just identified your health problem.   If your dope was red, then you were obviously consuming impure dope, not methamphetamine.  There is a big difference.  Pure meth is colorless and should be recrystallized to remove impurities, this is assuming one prepared it right in the first place.


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Arthitis, Gout, causes and remedies
« Reply #51 on: August 16, 2004, 05:43:00 AM »
Rhodium: Hopefully you find the post worthy and not too terribly written..

Actually posting isn't my greatest quality, but this issue is close to home and will hopefully help fellow bee's avoid a very painful and DEBILATATING illness.  I personally had my first major attack this year, which had me bed stricken for a week, unable to even get into the bathtub alone! let alone walk and only from 'gout' which solely in my knees.

Now before any fello bees debate my post, let me say you have too much free time and energy on your hands, also please read the whole post.

In ref. to swelling of joints (especially in men are the knees, feet/toes, and spine 'ankylosing spondylitis'), this is due to 2 factors (in my opinion): consuming the wrong foods (bad diet, bubba!!) and FAILING to consume the proper foods. 

('yeppers, you may call my diet gross, but I LIKE IT, am use to it, and IT KEEPS ME HEALTHIER THAN YOU' <--- quite often re-mentioned close friends... Comon, try some tofu, rice cakes, fruit, vegetables, soy milk, etc.

glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates (repair damaged joints:  rebuilds the internal structuce of the cartiledge so that it once again becomes strong and healthy)

Glucosamine, has several important functions in the joints, produced in small qtys in the body from glucose and amino acids.  Can be ingested from in very small qtys from certain foods.  This substance stimulates the production of and serves as raw material for the water-loving proteoglycans, and other special proteins call glycosaminoglycans (GACs) that bind water in the cartilage matrix.

Glucosamine not only successfully quells pain & other symptoms of 'osteoarthitis', it does so more effectively than ibuprofen & other popular arthitis remedies.  (40 patient double-blind study comparing glucosamine to ibuprofen).

By itself, glucosamine is a powerfully tool against osteoarthitis, but only half the amazing team of nat. substances offering a way to healthy joints.
Remember the proteoglycan molecules that embed themselves in the spaces in the collagen netting that gives structure to the cartilage in joints? Imaging that you're looking into the proteoglycans.  You'll see "trees", with numerous branches jutting out from the trunk. Growing out of each of the branches are about a hundred smaller brances made of long chains of chondroitin sulfates.  It's these chains in proteoglycans that actually draw in the cushioning and nourishing synovial fluid.  Chondroitin sulfates also help prevent premature breakdown of cartilage in two ways: they stop the naturally occuring enzymes from going haywire and "chewing" up carilage; and they inhibit other enzymes from shutting off the flow of nutrients to the cartilage.

Another extremely beneficial treatment/medicine in addition to a preventative medicine would be the group anthocyanidins which are naturally occuring in a handful of fruits.

Cherries are the most notorious and well known fruit, to sufferers of Gout and arthitis in general for their relief and effect on the arthritis.  Alot of web searches regarding gout, arthritis, and cherries will field you plenty of info which equals "eat the damn cherries).

I personally have an great interest in not only identifying all naturally occuring anthocyanidins but synthesizing similar compounds and researching their effect on arthritis.  I was utterly shocked to find out that only over the past 4 years has any research really gone into this area.  At this point they have barely identified some of the compounds in Cherries alone, let along have any research of info on their effects, routes, methods, homologues, and similar synthetics.

Just along that point, you can not even locate the properties for anthocyanidins including BP (thinking my first thoughts, extraction for example).

Gout causes:
Apparently, high levels of Uric acid, produced from urate, both in our blood strem are stored and crystalize in the joints which causes the swelling and horific pain.  Much of the time, we're (i too was) consuming foods which contribute to the production of the uric acid/arthitis causing substances, i.e. alcohol, carbonated beverages like soda pop, etc.  Additionally, you MUST change your diet IF you want to get better and stay better.

QUIT DRINKING, you drunk moron.  Keeping this item short & simple,
1) Early this summer, out car shopping, got to talking with owner of a lot, sitting with leg up and eating cherries in one of the offices, lotta talking being him sharing info on this with me.  His friend who was present said "that's why alot of drunks are crippled and limping around"..  It stuck with me and made sense,
2) I had been a 'functional closet' alcoholic for 7 years straigt, with friends and family only knowing I drank, a 6+ beers a night and black russians minimum including throughout the day many times.  I can personally TESTEEfi that alcohol definately helps give ya more than ya bargained for.

ya best get shopping online for yee new cain!    -----> just a lil'humor. :)

Meth runs and arthritis:
My attack came during a 2 or 3 day run, reason inpart being lack of liquids consumed.  DRINKING LOTS OF LIQUID, is vital for allowing the body to flush itself, especially of uric acid.  I personally don't drink enough liquids anyways, let alone when high, just kinda forget it.  If you are having issues during or soon after meth runs, seriously look at this!

One example case:
An neighbor of mine, older gentleman, whom I told about my gout condition after having it shared his battle scars.  he said his fingers were deformed now from a previous attack and showed me them, pretty scary.  He is probably an alcoholic he did admit he drinks beer, and in the past has mentioned it and the bar he goes to.  I questioned him greatly regarding whether or not he knew about cherries, diet, etc..  Not a friggin clue, it was over his head, he didn't even have an interest in what I was talking about, thus I shut up and didn't bother.  But don't fear, the doctor is here, he was on prescription meds, oh yeah, they must help, right? fu*k NO!  Indomethacin is a popular scrip for this condition, too bad it's only a pain killer and doesn't FIX anything in the body, let alone prevent anything, but rather mask the symptom(s).

Okay, it's late, 5:30 am, I'm done babbling having lost track of where I'm at or what I've said..  Help me, please, help me just say NO..  To what? I must know.

Some of the info above is ref'd from Maximizing Arthitis Cure (Jason Theodosakis, MD MS MPH, Brenda Adderly MHA, and Barry Fox PHD) which is solely on the glucosamines and chondroitin, the remainer was off the top of my head (complain to someone who cares). I have addtl info and research on this topic and would be glad to scan MAC (260 pages) or other hardcopy books in my library as well and/or trade plenty of chem data/files/research..  I enjoy expanding my knowedlge, screw uncle dick.  And if ya have a spare chromatography machine just lying around that ya don't need, I'll take it! 



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Well after some time of useing rp instead of...
« Reply #52 on: September 25, 2004, 04:01:00 AM »
Well after some time of useing rp instead of h3p03 I am haveing the same hea;lth problems,Not haveing accesss to annie for a good Birch.I cannot test that ,but for now my sex filled meth days are over.Dam it,I just can't stand the two month healing proccess.It is not worth it.I wish there was something else I could make with as much ease as meth.


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ah ,but the red rock from back in the day when
« Reply #53 on: September 25, 2004, 04:04:00 AM »