Author Topic: Al/Hg/Nitro in a bucket  (Read 5563 times)

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Re: Al/Hg/Nitro in a bucket
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2002, 06:12:00 PM »
According to an old Al/Hg thread from waaaaay back when, one bee indicated that the powder addition method does indeed work.  But there were no experimental conditions indicated.

IMHO, adding Al foil in increments should work just as well.  This way, the exothermic nature of the reaction is better controlled and stirring can be easily accomplished.  Al foil is OTC.  Al powder is not.


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Re: Al/Hg/Nitro in a bucket
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2002, 10:12:00 PM »
Someone needs to try LT's idea!!!!

Or how about this.
Run the reaction flowing thru a pipe.

(Fuck, I just read the other post on Al/Hg's and it seems my idea won't work due oxide formation)
My original idea was using AL tubing or a thin SS pipe packed good and tight with Aluminum wire.  An old HPLC pump would run the system perfectly.  The pumps are not cheap but you can find some good deals.  You could try running at higher temps and pressures.  You would have tons of control over all the variables except the state of that damn Al. If this worked you could do multi kilos run easily. 

It might bee possible to feed all the reactants,(Al powder slurry) to the pipe for reaction.    Feeding the slurry would definately bee a bitch. And I almost forgot about the AL sludge, it would probably clog everything up.  :(

Foxy STILL needs to get laid!!!


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Re: Al/Hg/Nitro in a bucket
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2002, 07:50:00 AM »
well happy new year to all.  LT talks of large scale al/hg nitro; using al sheeting/powder added to entire reaction mix. my questions and comments;
when u say entire reaction contents assumming everything except al; ie nitro, tone, hg, meoh, right?
-well then u can see how how exothermic variable that can run off can be controlled.
-appears highest yeilds were obtained when reaction was run at a very violent rate. scary no need to breath hg contaminated vapours.
-well could eliminate chance of runoff if reaction is heated and held at reflux and al added to this. not only would this eliminate runoff (provided u add al at a consumable rate) but it would meet the requirement of vigorous heat conditions for highest yeilds.
u could of course also control reaction if al rods or sheeting is submerged in reaction contents. turnoff stirring and one would expected to see fizzing at surface of submerged.  if reflux begins to run at a higher rate than needed then pull out submerged al rod/sheeting.
-would the hgcl be consumed or become inactive in this process requiring further addition? im guessin not
-how much mass of al sheeting/rod need to be consumed to completed reaction. i know its more a matter of surface area but is there any indication that ketone has been aminated entirely.
-would running a reaction in kg quantities hurt the yeilds if it is run past its completion. seems mm's al/hg gave better yeilds when running past when fizzing has slowed and started cooling. ie will reflux heat destroy product after its formed.
-would it bee a good idea to strip surface of sheeting/rod with 5%naoh before submerging/amalgamating.
another advantage here would bee the exposed al sheeting/rods would not have their surfaces covered from sludge of consumed al since they are suspended.
of course this would bee done with a ss cold h2o coil above it, all running under a fume hood.

ps together we can rid the world of its misery with more honey


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Re: Al/Hg/Nitro in a bucket
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2002, 09:34:00 AM »
Yeah, let's reinvent the wheel.


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Re: Al/Hg/Nitro in a bucket
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2002, 11:25:00 AM »
Good Idea Osmium

I was just having fun thinking out loud. 

Foxy is doin just fine.


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Re: Al/Hg/Nitro in a bucket
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2002, 04:39:00 PM »
why do some people look at wheels as though they are a fait accomplis?. the tire companies certainly haven't, don't hear anyone laughing at them.