Author Topic: THC oil extraction via butane "pipe bomb"  (Read 8985 times)

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Re: THC oil extraction via butane "pipe bomb"
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2000, 12:22:00 PM »
Good, a little example:
put 1 cm3 dry-ice and 1cm3 water-ice beside eachother in the sun.
Guess which one is gone the first, and which one stays a fluid the longest.
Capice? Now get your dammn iso-butane. LT/ 



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Re: THC oil extraction via butane "pipe bomb"
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2000, 03:50:00 AM »
Hate to rain on the pvc parade, but blow butane through your pipe before you load it. I discovered that it welds the threads shut... either it leaches some plasticizer that gets through onto the threads or it melts them a bit...either way, they froze up tight... use stainless


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Re: THC oil extraction via butane "pipe bomb"
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2000, 12:17:00 PM »
Use enough teflon-tape on the threads, and then high-vacuum grease on that. LT/ 


Dope Amine

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Re: THC oil extraction via butane "pipe bomb"
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2000, 04:44:00 AM »
I have found that it is impossible to open the pipe right after doing an extraction just b/c it's so damn cold.  I use pvc caps and an iron tube.  Once it warms up, it is much easier.

LT, call me dense, but I didn't understand how your dry ice example had anything to do with iso-butane.  If I do it with iso-butane, I will have to make a new and improved setup.  I am not complaining about this because the iso tanks are much larger and thus my tube will get to be much larger, holding more plant matter.  But, I will have to fit my cap with a screw on fitting for the threaded part on the iso tank.

God I love having a GOLDEN THC oil.  So pure and good.  I am going to isomerize it very soon.  It is hard to hold off on using it although I know I should wait until after isomerization.  Anybody got instructions/tips on making the acetate?

Dope Amine

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Re: THC oil extraction via butane "pipe bomb"
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2000, 04:50:00 AM »
One thing I will add is that I think it is very important to plug up the bottom holes with your finger when first loading with butane.  This increases the pressure and thus increases the ammount of liquid butane in the tube.  I have not plugged the tube and gone through 2 whole canisters with nothing but gas coming out.  Then I have plugged the tube initially and about 2/3 through the first canister, my finger pops off as oil explodes from the bottom.     


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Re: THC oil extraction via butane "pipe bomb"
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2000, 03:26:00 PM »
Does this method work on salvia?

Dope Amine

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Re: THC oil extraction via butane "pipe bomb"
« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2000, 06:10:00 AM »
Don't know for sure YET.


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Re: THC oil extraction via butane "pipe bomb"
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2000, 05:55:00 AM »
get 1ft pvc pipe put end caps on both ends drill  a fee holes in one end  1 single in the other  mull up gear pack in pipe atatch butane to singe hole and hold down untill empty collect thc and butane  out of bottom butane will evaperate easy leeving THC  YEAAAAAAAA  WILL WORK HAVE DONE IT  PROPANE WILL WORK TO


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« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2003, 04:17:00 PM »

try putting the tube in the freezer for 1/2 an hour bee4


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salvia will work so i heard ...
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2003, 08:22:00 PM »
reading elsewhere on the net salvia has been extracted using butain method. i read this and saw pics of it being done. the extracted goo was a dark colour...

swit uses 1 1/4 pipe 2 ft long...
single hole in the top
many large holes in the bottom
bottom covered with coffee filter.

things to remember

 pvc makes your goo taste like shit/ not to good for you either i think.

do not use freshly dried bud/leaf.
cure it then you will have a golden oil not just black/very dark green shit.(still gives you a good buzzzzzz).

make sure weed is super super super dry

pack tube and leave in freezer overnite befor runnung butane thru it(esp if it is a hot day).

thoughts for the future
larger diameter tube surrounded by an even larger tube. fill space between tubes with crushed dry ice.
 have a tap on bottom of sml tube small hole on top of small tube.(large tube top is open).
fit a water trap to small hole.( after fillin with butane).


fill with weed (small tube)

fill with dry ice (large tube)

let sit for 1hr /approx

fill with butane

attach water trap

wait till water trap starts to bubble (this is when most of the dry ice has melted and the butane is startin to evap/build pressure)

plug top hole

place tap over a collection/evap dish

open tap

evap and smoke/eat/drink



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THC acetate
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2003, 06:13:00 PM »
Here is some info I gathered from a book called
Cannabis alchemy from D.Gold

THC acetate has twice the potency of THC(14.6 compared to 7.3 on Adams scale). (I dont have a clue what Adams scale is)
Furthermore, there is a 25% increase in weight after adding the acetate structure

Fumes from heated acetic anhydride are very flammable and poisonous.
You need a sealed box to work in.
The box should be equipped with an adequate exhaust fan with a sparkless electric motor to quickly evacuate any fumes that may arise
An artificial atmosphere is created with anhydrous nitrogen gas

I also have a protocol for making it so if you want it, let me know, I'll post it here. Anyway I'm under the impression that acetic anhydride isnt so easy to get. As a matter of fact, Canada has just rescheduled it at the same time they did for safrole and a couple of other stuff. I would think the US would be even harder but I could be wrong, depending on bees.
Good luck anyway, you just made me feel like making a pipe bomb myself, hey we have so much weed over here its ridiculous. And to say that 80% goes to the state, we still have so much. Cheap electricity!!


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« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2003, 06:36:00 PM »
The statement about "THC acetate" being more potent than standard THC is a false claim, and references for this has been provided in the past here at the Hive:

Post 342953

(Rhodium: "R. Mechoulam rates higher than D. Gold", Novel Discourse)


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Thanks Rodhium
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2003, 08:10:00 AM »
That why I said I didnt know what the Adams scale is. Having never smoked the acetate form I wouldnt now. But then why would someone want to make the acetate if it offers nothing? I didnt want to UTFSE because it was merely a contribution from a book that I'm not sure is any good. And making the acetate isnt part of my plans, I like smoking the oil or the buds. It just sucks that smoking weed increases your chances of getting lung cancer a lot more then regular cigarettes do(at least from a study from a group in England). But hey we all have to die sometimes


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"Thats why I said I didnt know what the...
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2003, 01:44:00 PM »
"Thats why I said I didnt know what the Adams scale is. Having never smoked the acetate form I wouldnt now. But then why would someone want to make the acetate if it offers nothing?"

Probably for the same reasons millions of people redundantly worship an 'invisible man' in the sky....
Because they read about it in a book and ignorantly believe everything they read, or some other ignorant quasi-human convinced them to do it. Keep in mind that more people have been killed in the name of 'God' than for any other reasons, including cancer & cigarettes.
 It just sucks that smoking weed increases your chances of getting lung cancer a lot more then regular cigarettes do(at least from a study from a group in England).

Tell that to my mother who is almost dead from lung cancer because of smoking 3 packs a day for 35 years. Let me guess who probably funded that propaganda/group-study.....
Philip Morris...

I now see why Rhodium desperately needs to upgrade his server, to make more room for these useless threads posted by ignorant waifs that believe they are making a generous contribution to the community by posting a bunch of useless, unsubstantiated facts & maniacal ramblings that they have convinced theselves of to be true & is of the utmost importance for the rest of the world to hear this crap............


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Man you're having a bad day
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2003, 02:53:00 PM »


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no lack of misinfo
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2003, 09:19:00 PM »
This is one area that's rife with disinformation from my experience. Or at least has been, and continues to suffer from trickle-down. Grafting cannabis onto hops plants was a good one (Bill Drake where are you now?). I don't think that I ever believed that one, even as a callow youth.

It's educational though. The lesson being don't believe everything that you read.


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