Author Topic: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?  (Read 300 times)


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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2010, 07:13:06 PM »
The link you provide does not provide anything but the google translation page.

Looking forward to reading about this though! This is the stuff we need to be working towards in my opinion.
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« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 10:07:39 PM by OoBYCoO »


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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2010, 03:11:49 AM »
How are they changing the DNA sequence in the patent?


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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2010, 06:27:07 AM »
Sounds like they probably just isolated the gene from the plant, stuck it into a plasmid and than had the E. coli take it in and start producing the THC.
Right? That is how everything is always done so it seems
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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2010, 11:06:37 PM »
This is my rather poor attempt at actual translation of the document based on my rusty German. Seek clarification on critical details if you intend to do anything with this as I may have made a mistake


Bakterien können ohne viel Aufwand Cannabis-Wirkstoff produzieren
17. August 2010, 17:57
Bacteria can now produce active cannabis moieties easily

    * Artikelbild: Ein Dortmunder Biochemiker hat Koli-Bakterien genetisch so verändert, dass sie THC produzieren können. - Foto: Archiv

Article picture: A biochemist from Dortmund has genetically engineered E-coli bacteria to produce THC

      Ein Dortmunder Biochemiker hat Koli-Bakterien genetisch so verändert, dass sie THC produzieren können.
A  biochemist from Dortmund has genetically engineered E-coli bacteria to produce THC

Dortmunder Wissenschafter stattet Koli-Bakterien mit THC-Gen aus

Headline: A scientist from Dortmund has engineered e-coli bacteria with the THC gene

Dortmund - Wissenschafter aus Dortmund haben Bakterien per Gen-Manipulation dazu gebracht, den Hauptwirkstoff von Cannabispflanzen zu produzieren. Das so gewonnene Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) soll zur Behandlung Schwerkranker eingesetzt werden.

Dortmund- A scientist from Dortmund has genetically engineered bacteria to produce the active moiety from cannabis plants. This will make it easier to produce THC to help the seriously ill


Das Verfahren sei im Vergleich zu den bisher in Deutschland zulässigen Herstellungsverfahren vergleichsweise unaufwendig und damit günstiger, berichtete Oliver Kayser von der Technischen Universität Dortmund am Dienstag. Die THC-Herstellung durch einen anderen Organismus sei mit dem Verfahren weltweit erstmals möglich.

  The procedure in comparison to the previous German manufacturing process allows for the chemical to be produced relatively easily and hence more cheaply. Oliver Kayser from the Technical University of Dortmund said on Tuesday that this is the first time the production of THC has been carried out by another organism

Bisher aufwendige Herstellung
Expensive production so far

THC werde in Deutschland bisher aus Faserhanf gewonnen, dessen Anbau oder Einfuhr legal ist. "Da die Fasern weniger als 0,2 Prozent THC enthalten, ist der Produktionsprozess entsprechend aufwendig", so Kayser. Aus der Cannabispflanze, die bis zu 25 Prozent THC enthalten kann, darf der Wirkstoff aus juristischen Gründen in Deutschland nicht gewonnen werden.

THC was previously produced in Germant from hemp fiber, the cultivation and importation of which is legal. The hemp has only 0.2% THC and the production process to isolate it is difficult said Kayser. From the cannabis plant one can obtain 25% THC if this were legal in Germany

Als Ausweg bleibe nur die Herstellung von synthetischem THC. Dies sei jedoch "extrem aufwendig und teuer", so Kayser. Insgesamt könnten in Deutschland so nur 20 Kilogramm pro Jahr produziert werden. "Der tatsächliche Bedarf liegt aber bei über einer Tonne", schätzt Kayser. Koste das Kilo bisher rund 50.000 Euro, rechnet Kayser mit Kosten von künftig rund 2.500 Euro je Kilogramm THC.

(this method is ) As a way to stay away from the preparation of THC by solely synthetic means which is difficult and expensive according to Kayser. Synthetic methods are only capable of producing 20KG of THC in Germany very year but over 1 tonne is actually required. The cost of a KG ov THC is now expected to drop from 50,000 EUR to 2,500 EUR.

THC wird als Rauschgift meist in Form von Haschisch oder Marihuana konsumiert. Als Medikament kann es unter anderem die Schmerzen von Krebspatienten lindern oder die Symptome von Multipler Sklerose abmildern. Weil THC unter das Betäubungsmittelgesetz fällt, müssen Betroffene häufig langwierig mit Behörden, Ärzten und Kassen um die Nutzung von Cannabis-Arznei kämpfen. Nach Angaben der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion hat sich die Koalition jedoch auf eine Änderung des Betäubungsmittelrechts geeinigt, die die Nutzung von Cannabis-Arzneimitteln erleichtern soll.

As a medicine it (THC) can reduce the pain in cancer patients and relieve the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. As THC is controlled by the narcotics act there have been long and expensive legal battles with the authorities and doctors to allow the use of medicinal cannabis. According to the FDP coalition parlimentary group are agreeing an ammendment of the Narcotics act to allow cannabis to be used as medicine

THC per Fermentation

THC by fermentation

Bei dem von dem Dortmunder Biochemiker in den vergangenen fünf Jahren entwickelten Verfahren kommen Koli-Bakterien (Escherichia coli) zum Einsatz. Ihnen werden die isolierten Gene, die in der Cannabispflanze für die THC-Bildung zuständig sind, eingepflanzt. Entsprechend vermehrt können die Bakterien dann durch Fermentation THC produzieren. Zusammen mit einem Pharmaunternehmen plant die Uni Dortmund nun die Gründung eines Unternehmens zur THC-Produktion nach dem neuen Verfahren. Kayser rechnet damit, dass dieses THC als Arzneistoff frühestens 2016 auf den Markt kommen kann. (red/APA)

It took 5 years to develop the e coli bacteria to be used. The genes were isolated from the cannabis plant THC production DNA and implanted into bacteria. More THC can then be produced by fermentation. The university of Dortmund and a pharmaceutical company plans to commercialize the new process. Kayser says that it will take until at least 2016 to bring the drug to market.

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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2010, 11:23:07 PM »

or the maybe working link of the translated version...

All you have to do is go to the first link and copy the article, then go to the second link and paste it in the box and click translate...

German to English translation
Dortmund Scientists equip bacteria with Koli-THC-Gen

Dortmund - Dortmund have brought scientists from bacteria by genetic manipulation to produce the main ingredient of cannabis plants. The resulting tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) will be used to treat seriously ill.

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The method was compared to the previously authorized in Germany manufacturing process is comparatively inexpensive and thus cheaper, Oliver Kayser reported from the Technical University of Dortmund on Tuesday. The THC production by another organism is worldwide with the procedure the first time.

So far, expensive production

THC will be in Germany so far obtained from hemp, the cultivation or importation is legal. "Because the fibers contain less than 0.2 percent THC, the production process is correspondingly complex," said Kayser. From the cannabis plant, which can contain up to 25 percent THC, the active ingredient may, for legal reasons in Germany not be won. As a way to stay only the production of synthetic THC. However, this was "extremely complicated and expensive," said Kayser. Overall, could be produced as only 20 kilograms per year in Germany. "The actual requirement is, but at over a ton," estimates Kayser. Cost € 50,000 a kilo so far, Kayser expects future costs of € 2,500 per kilogram of THC.

THC is a drug most consumed in the form of hashish or marijuana. As a medicine, it can alleviate the pain include cancer patients or to reduce the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Because THC is covered by the law on drugs, those affected often have lengthy battle with the authorities, doctors and cash to the use of medicinal cannabis. According to the FDP parliamentary group, the coalition has however agreed to a change in the narcotics law to facilitate the use of cannabis medicines.

THC by fermentation

At the Dortmund of the biochemist in the past five years, developed methods are E. coli bacteria (Escherichia coli) were used. Them, the isolated genes that are responsible in the cannabis plant for the THC training are planted. Accordingly, more bacteria can then produce by fermentation THC. Together with a pharmaceutical company of Dortmund is now planning to start a business for THC production by the new process. Kayser expects that this may come as THC drug earlier than 2016 for the market. (Red / APA)


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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2010, 11:30:33 PM »
I know but google translate is far from perfect and there are some mistakes ;)
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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2010, 06:17:26 AM »
Imagine a bacterial infection from this, thing, I have thought of the possibility of bacterial and viral toxins as a force creating and/or boosting mental illnesses but perhaps for once the ability to test this theory may one day become a reality.

     The hypothesis stems from the fact that many old woman with alot of cats are.. well nuts I thought about this after visiting a relative when I was 14-15 years old and she was abit bonkers(nice woman but missing pieces upstairs) with a split house and the cats had 100% control of the second half... it would lead us to belive crazy people like cats but relatively recently it has been found that a bacteria in cat feces may very well be a cause of schizophrenia. Once a cat lady always a cat lady if they ever get there nasty claws in you and allow an infection to burn up a specific area of your brain cells causing permanent damage.

Imagine for a second a constant source of THC in your body as dead bacteria release it. Trust me its not as fun as you folks think it would be I can assure you since most of the effects from weed are not directly resulted from the THC itself but from other cannibinoids.

One relative source out of many:
There once were some bees and you took all there stuff!
You pissed off the wasp now enough is enough!!!


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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2010, 07:15:55 AM »
toxoplasmosis has been associated with clumsyness self defeating behavior and occurances such as inattentiveness leading to accidents.
it's plausible it's also plausible that most cancers are caused by viruses yet you won't see a dime of grant money because patients spend more in the last 6 months of thier lives than thier entire lives or insurance does.
with mental illness it's more profitable to give drugs that excarcerbate the problem to justify more drugs and institutions as this is a more profittable model.


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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2010, 08:40:37 AM »
Typically genetically engineered organisms do not hold up well when compared to their non genetically engineered equivalent organisms in terms of virulence. Even the so called super bugs like MRSA disappear when the drugs are removed and the normal organism is allowed to compete.

I would not be worried about e coli unless its the 157 strain and you take it by ingestion.

They might however have made this strain resistant to antibiotics as part of isolation. That may help it but I think it would be outbred bhy normal e coli in the body.

Jon you are spot on with the viruses. Detection is improving but they are causing a shit load of cancer in predisposed individuals. Just look at HPV and how long that ran riot before the vaccine was developed. The smug bastards only market it to girls too so that men will always carry the virus and you will always need the vaccine. They wont forgive themselves for beating polio and wont repeat the mistake.
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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2010, 08:02:04 PM »
I never thought of it like that embezzler.  Hey, could males take that HPV vaccine and it be just as effective as it is for the women?


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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2010, 08:59:32 PM »
I would imagine so but without the clinical trialls there is no way to know. maybe they want to keep half the population free of the vaccine in case there are adverse reproductive risks.
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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2010, 02:00:44 AM »
I would imagine so but without the clinical trialls there is no way to know. maybe they want to keep half the population free of the vaccine in case there are adverse reproductive risks.

Heh - what good would that do if it were all of the females that had the fertility issue? haha
If anything, do it the other way around - seems like it would be easier to get it so a female could self reproduce (with science) -- like they have in mouse...
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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2010, 02:09:11 AM »
What REALLY sucks about it is that they don't even have a test for males to see if you have it, which really pisses me off!  lol When they see genital warts on you that's how they know you have it but of course at that point nothing can be done.  I would be furious if I ever got those, knowing that those bastards haven't developed any treatments for males.


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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2010, 02:27:52 AM »
No they have quite a few test for HPV and I don't think that this vaccine is even ment to handle genital warts which is HPV strains 6 & 11 and   Gardasil is made to handle strains 16 & 18, although that may be a good side effect. HPV has almost 200 various strains out there and from my point of view if one causes a specific type of cancer then more research should be done on the "benign" strains.

Also from wiki
Use in males
Gardasil is also effective in males, providing protection against genital warts and some potentially precancerous lesions caused by some HPV types.[5][20] An ongoing study of 4,065 males demonstrated the efficacy of Gardasil in males who did not have HPV infection prior to vaccination.[8] The vaccination is expected to protect against penile cancer and anal cancer caused by included HPV types, and research in this area is still underway.[8]

In December 2008, Merck asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for permission to market the vaccine in the United States for males between ages 9 to 26,[21] and the FDA approved the request on October 16, 2009.[5][22][23][24][25][26] In the UK, HPV vaccines are already licensed for males aged 9 to 15 and for females aged 9 to 26.[27]

Gardasil is in particular demand among gay men, who are at significantly increased risk for genital warts and anal cancer caused by HPV.[28]

HPV vaccines may be useful in preventing anal cancer caused by HPV types 16 and 18.[29] A 2005 study in San Francisco, California found that 95 percent of HIV-infected gay men also had anal HPV infection, of which 50 percent had precancerous HPV-caused lesions.[30] Type 16 is also associated with oropharyngeal squamous-cell carcinoma, a form of throat cancer.[31]

« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 02:30:24 AM by Sedit »
There once were some bees and you took all there stuff!
You pissed off the wasp now enough is enough!!!


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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2010, 02:31:47 AM »
Yes they do have tests... for women not men.
From Wiki...
At this time, HPV test for males are only used in research
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 02:49:38 AM by OoBYCoO »


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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2010, 09:59:39 AM »
If females had the fertility issue problem would be apparrent rather quickly. Its more difficult to determine in males ( as its harder to tell if it was them that got someone pregnant) and male fertility is piss poor and falling anyway. Most men in the developed world would be considered infertile by the standards of 50 years ago. Xeno oestrogens are  to blame. Bisphenol A is an example.

There is no real need for a test because you are highly likely to have it. More than 80 % IIRC. There is a lot of development work being done on rapid viral detection and there are some good talks on

More research is definitely needed into all human viral infections. With regard to female self fertilization just take a look at what happened to dolly the sheep. Born biochemically old and didnt live long. Now with this weeks announcement that they can rewrite telomeres in mice restoring youth and reproductivity any thing will be possible.

Damn i am way off topic.

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream...

The Lone Stranger

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Re: Have you heard of the THC E.Coli?
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2011, 08:23:57 PM »

LOL...... Guys if that isnt a jenkem joke i dont know what is . Someone claims that they have made geneticaly engineered bioluminescent enzymes ....... not one but several and that just by mixing them and throwing them on shit THC is produced .

The reaction / action causes the first enzyme to emit blinking light and when its job is done the blinking dies down and the next enzyme does the same and so on untill THC is produced .

Just a little clue ..... have you ever seen a serious patent with the word crapulence in it ? ( [0027] A blanket of roots from tobacco made of TTAs,TCBAs and or TCBMs are thrown over the crapulence and festering therein may it yield bountifully wee little cannabinoids. )

The whole thing came out before august last year after the jenkem sniffing storys in the net .

If i`m wrong please put me right .

The one from dortmund is diferent . The reports are crap for several reasons .

They say that THC is extracted from industrial hemp wich contains 0.2 % . BUT thats total crap as they dont extract the THC they extract the oil and isomerise it to THC . That destroys their financial claims .

Next comes the fact that that synthetic THC = marinol is reported by patients to be useless and that real THC produceing plants work much better . ( I can confirm that from personal experience ) Because of that there was a meeting in the german parlament where patients gave evidence on that fact . The parlament believed them and now its possible to  get grass from a chemists there . The chemists import it from holland where they buy it from the dutch government grower who is an american . He grows it in greenhouses with underfloor heating . He says it costs 90 euro cents a gram to grow  

The problem in germany is not getting a prescription its getting insurace companys to pay for the grass . The insurance companys have a very strongly controlled list of illnesses for wich they will pay for it so even if one gets a prescription its next to imposible to get the grass  .

EDITED - I added the crapulence quote .
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 09:21:14 PM by The Lone Stranger »