Author Topic: Zoklet?  (Read 626 times)


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2011, 03:39:40 PM »
Dopebee the thing is the website is one based on crime and all things fringe, which makes it worse that they have a chemistry section mainly for clandestine related chemistry. That and the before stated point you can find all things zoklet right off google.
The last thing young people need is an introduction to chemistry on a website like that.
They are a complete disservice to everyone with a chemistry interest, there is nothing else to say about it.
And not visiting it does not make it go away, so all of the stated points still stand about it being a worthless place.


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2011, 05:12:59 PM »

The dumbasses we have for journalists would be all over that in short order, bringing even more attention to something best left hidden and swept under the rug.
Any media attention will spread the cause. Remember when this aired 1000's of new members joined.

The big question is, Is a larger weaker group more powerful then a smaller stronger one. I dont believe so. I know I could beat the hell out of 10 4th graders comming at me while it only takes on of there fathers to kick my ass.

Zoklet seems to be little more than a highly efficient way to fantasize about reactions never conducted while at the same time pumping up Google with lots more drug cookery.
It's also introducing a lot of young minds to the world of chemistry and (hopefully safe) drug use.
Its a disastor. It does not really introduce them to chemistry it only shows them Teks on drug synthesis and teaches them bad study habits. These are the sort of people who at best can only reference Rhodium archives with little clue as to whats being said to them in the synthesis.

I'v already said my peace on this subject so I am attempting to avoid this thread as to not spend my time bashing other forums however this is one that I feel is doing a great injustice to the entire chemistry community as a whole.
There once were some bees and you took all there stuff!
You pissed off the wasp now enough is enough!!!


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2011, 05:22:39 PM »
Having it indexed does no one any good - not even the members. Surely if they discuss anything that works it will soon be abused so much that it will be remedied - regardless if it is with clandestine chemistry, or something else..  For instance.. a method on how to remove those transmitters on cloths that prevent theft, or how to get soda pop out of a certain type of coke machine...

A concerning part is that they have a clearly visible trading forum in addition to the other topics.. only directly above the "flasks and beakers" section.

I wonder - do you think it is possibly to embed a small snippet of html or some other code in a signature, or as a link, etc...  that would make it so robots do not follow the site?
I know they would figure it out, and probably fix the solution - but if it were done by different people, often enough - it would seriously screw up their search engine ranking...

... it actually does someone good to have it indexed, who ever has the paypal account connected to the ads on the top, side, and bottom of the pages.

Interesting they have a donate button as well....
What is the end goal for that site, I wonder?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 05:25:35 PM by Vesp »
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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2011, 06:05:43 PM »
For all practical purposes Zoklet is a virtual honeypot:


Although honeypots are a great resource for investigating adversaries or automatic exploitation via worms, the amount of information we can learn depends on how realistic the honeypots are. If an adversary breaks into a machine and immediately notices that she broke into a honeypot, her reaction might be to remove all evidence and leave the machine alone. On the other hand, if the fact that she broke into a honeypot remains undetected, she could use it to store attack tools and launch further attacks on other systems. This makes it very important to provide realistic-looking honeypots. For low-interaction honeypots, it is important to deceive network scanning tools and for high-interaction honeypots, the whole operating system environment has to look very real. This is not a problem for a physical high-interaction honeypots, but for a system running under a virtual machine, it becomes more difficult to hide its nature.


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2011, 11:36:54 PM »
The big question is, Is a larger weaker group more powerful then a smaller stronger one. I dont believe so. I know I could beat the hell out of 10 4th graders comming at me while it only takes on of there fathers to kick my ass.
Its a disastor. It does not really introduce them to chemistry it only shows them Teks on drug synthesis and teaches them bad study habits. These are the sort of people who at best can only reference Rhodium archives with little clue as to whats being said to them in the synthesis.
Yah you're right. I always figure the more people the better, but quality can definitely trump quantity for sure.


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2011, 07:11:25 PM »
It's a drug chat forum, maybe you should lower your expectations a bit. If you really hate it just don't visit it.

Well, I don't visit it, nor would I see it if it weren't for its unhelpful search results in Google.

Regardless, it's not my patronage which matters here. The problem is all the k3wl drawn there, all the authorities drawn there, and all the suppliers which might arrive there after Googling.

Buck up and get a p.o. box.

You should know that many chemical suppliers will not ship to PO boxes - my two preferred sources don't.

Even if yours does, ordering something potentially questionable might evade scrutiny, whereas shipping it to a PO box might push the order's heat over the edge. PO boxes are not looked upon favorably and aren't going to help. They don't create anonymity if somebody takes an interest in the order.

PO boxes used to be useful back when shipping software distinguished only between residential and business addresses, and an underground chemist needed a business address. Now, it also shows whether that "Suite #12345" is a real suite or a mail center.

If you want to order some CuSO4 for your kid's science far project to a PO box, go right ahead. Underground chemists should think twice.

Any media attention will spread the cause. Remember when this aired 1000's of new members joined.

Yes. (the YT link is dead but I posted the full Dateline special here, for anyone interested)

How is The Hive doing lately? How is Strike doing after eight years in prison?

That special helped nobody but some kiddies who wanted to hang out with real chemists and pretend to be cool. It destroyed a good supplier, and ultimately led to the downfall of The Hive. Anybody whose interest is sparked by a TV special or a k3wl forum is unlikely to add value, unlikely to do well, and definitely out of place.

It's also introducing a lot of young minds to the world of chemistry and (hopefully safe) drug use.

I won't knock it for that, as harm reduction is always a good thing. I have nothing against the idiot component of its userbase being fed important safety advice from the few more knowledgeable members there.

That being said, I don't see how it helps the chemistry community by introducing high school kidz and general malcontents to fantasy chemistry any more than it helps retail merchants by introducing fuckups to the wonderful world of shoplifting teks. :rolleyes:

What about the pyro teks or chlorate bomb instructions? Do those do anybody any good? Arguably, the people capable of safely handling that shit don't need a preparative manual written at eighth grade level to do it.

Are their chemistry teks actually helping anyone, at least above and beyond the low level meth cooks running psuedo, who could have just as easily found the "recipe" from Fester? Anybody exploring serious drug chemistry already has access to information from better sources than the Internet equivalent of the local high school's detention hall.

Don't even get me started about the TOTSE crowd, as if the Internet needed anymore conspiracy theorists, fake ID teks, hooker baiting guides, burglary FAQs, guides to buying cigarettes while underage, petty thieves, jenkem guides, or return scams.

Case and point: The Casing And Scoping: Burglary Basics, or how about [Fraud & Scams] Hooker Baiting.

If there are any isolated nuggets of wisdom there they should be migrated away from that userbase. I don't know why any competent chemist would bother casting so many pearls before swine.

It's not that I mind people discussing these things. They certainly every right to engage in freedom of speech. The point is that the overall character of the community is not what should be expected from competent and intelligent underground chemists. That crowd needs lots of help building RF blocking bags for petty theft - and you think they could safely handle some HgCl2, MeI, or Et2O with any amount of instruction and hand holding?
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 07:13:58 PM by psychexplorer »


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2011, 07:31:27 PM »
I wonder - do you think it is possibly to embed a small snippet of html or some other code in a signature, or as a link, etc...  that would make it so robots do not follow the site?
I know they would figure it out, and probably fix the solution - but if it were done by different people, often enough - it would seriously screw up their search engine ranking...

Unfortunately the only thing which will stop an indexing is a higher level robots.txt. Not only can posters not put HTML on the forum, but it wouldn't do any good even if they could. You'd need a full blown hack to get it deindexed.


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2011, 03:04:58 AM »
You'd need a full blown hack to get it deindexed.

Dam str8..Get ta work guys!

And the boy's father was shouting:

"He doin' the stanky leg! He doin' the stanky leg! Two yearz ol' an' he doin' the stanky leg an' he NOT EVEN TRIPPIN'!!"

The infant was, in fact, doing 'the stanky leg.'

Believe me boy, I seen everything.


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2011, 03:38:03 AM »
It wouldn't be rocket science to take it down but I can't say I advocate it since I would be pissed if some of did that to us.... but as stated before a simple DDOS attack would decommision them rather quickly since im sure they do not have the band width to handle such traffic and these sort of things could be done thru inadvertantly hijacked computers(AKA a trojan that goes under the radar till D-day) meaning the volume of traffic could become so large and be sustained for so long that the only options are A:Buy more server space which would be unlikely given the nature of the site or B: change to a new address to sidestep the attacks from the remote trojan devices spread around the world all calling for a ping from your server.

And as a side note it would be horrible if the trojan was uploaded to a warez site to ensure mass dissemination while at the same time making sure the host file has had some of its sacrificial data portions removed so that the Trojan could fit in and still retain normal file size without someone asking questions.

But I wouldn't recommend anyone with any sort of computer knowledge to do such a simple task to those skilled in the art because that would be amoral and im just not that sort of person. Because all in all, if someone wanted to go thru the effort of performing a relatively simple task such as this... There are much more important targets to be had.

There once were some bees and you took all there stuff!
You pissed off the wasp now enough is enough!!!


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2011, 04:28:33 AM »
I'm pretty much against the idea of talking about hacking zoklet lol even if I accidentally brought it up.

Lets not forget the word retaliation - something they would do..
talk about this stuff on another site lol
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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2011, 10:28:21 AM »
you suggestion to just get a p.o. box is'nt gonna throw would-be authorities off your scent.
now they turn in all thier paperwork to the postal inspector every month.
so what do you do?
here's one suggestion, register an account with a secretarial service.
recieving mail is only incedental to thier services.
so they don't report to the postal inspector, there are other ruses but that's a good place to start.
and yes they are expensive.


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2011, 11:58:53 AM »
You should know that many chemical suppliers will not ship to PO boxes - my two preferred sources don't.
I'm sure there's a lot more good info to be learned about this subject. I don't like naming the companies that I use but I'm sure you are all familiar with the store I'm talking about. What I did was I went to their website and found their 10 newest franchisees in my area and emailed them all asking about their privacy policies and if they ever give out information to competing companies or government agencies without authorization, and take your pick depending on who sounds the coolest. I tend to think that new start-up companies are more likely to protect their customer's interests. Plus if they are less than a year old, when the faggots at Aldrich look up your address they will see undeveloped land or empty store fronts. But as is the case with everything else, always plan for the worst and expect that every single citizen is a dudley-do-right wanna-be cop. Pay your local tranny hooker to sign up for the box. Or someone with "COP KILLER" tattooed on their forehead.


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #32 on: March 29, 2011, 03:30:56 AM »
I agree on the startups typically being the best opportunity. Starting a business is terribly tough when it comes to cash flow from the beginning. These firms can't go out of their way to turn down orders.

Plus, new companies don't have all that baggage and policies stemming from misuse of an order in the past.

It is interesting to look through the list from Strike's Sources. So many of the great companies he found are now off limits to individuals.

PO boxes still creep me out, especially remembering the PF story. Granted, he had some profile, but nobody is too small for an overreaction these days.

Why not just ship it to a vacant? Most areas are swimming in foreclosures, not just in the US either.


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #33 on: March 31, 2011, 04:07:08 AM »
Why not just ship it to a vacant?
I like to let some things sit for a few weeks for good measure. Like the turtle and the hare story, patience wins the race.


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #34 on: March 31, 2011, 05:22:06 AM »
vacants have worked in the past.  just make sure to leave a note saying a signature is not required.

edit: or be there for the delivery
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 02:18:30 PM by akcom »


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #35 on: March 31, 2011, 06:39:41 PM »
i know a good way to cull thier numbers!
just post a lot of misinformation on explosives that will dwindle the herd.

Why not just ship it to a vacant? Most areas are swimming in foreclosures, not just in the US either.

that does'nt always work postal workers know thier routes.
and if it's something you have to sign for what are you gonna do?\
that old ruse "this is a deaf household"  shit does'nt fly either.
it's been played out by carders.
but here's a suggestion have it shipped to a vacant then put a hold on the package and pick it up, you will need false identification for this.
and there's always that do-goody postal inspector in the back to contend with.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 06:51:23 PM by jon »


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #36 on: March 31, 2011, 11:48:33 PM »
that sir sounds like a winner


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #37 on: April 01, 2011, 02:56:09 AM »
that does'nt always work postal workers know thier routes.
and if it's something you have to sign for what are you gonna do?\
that old ruse "this is a deaf household"  shit does'nt fly either.
it's been played out by carders.
but here's a suggestion have it shipped to a vacant then put a hold on the package and pick it up, you will need false identification for this.
and there's always that do-goody postal inspector in the back to contend with.

The postal workers know their routes, from day to day deliveries, but the courier drivers don't. So many houses rarely if ever get anything from UPS or FedEx. Private delivery drivers are far more efficient than postal workers and can't be bothered with needless investigation.

If the package is coming ground, uninsured, no signature required (basic service, as most cheap chem shipping is) then they'll usually leave it without being prompted. A note on the vacant always helps.

You always want chems coming by courier for that reason.

Plus, UPS and FedEx have good online tracking. With the postal service, you can't expect to confirm the day the package is actually out for delivery. USPS only offers projections and estimates. UPS and FedEx will tell you when it is on the truck en route to the destination.

Most suppliers prefer UPS ground.

Asking for a hold and using a fake ID is a novel idea, but I'd be concerned with the CCTV in the distribution center. Those places are guaranteed to be monitored, whereas with a vacant, it is fairly simple to be almost certain nobody is watching an idle package on the porch.


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #38 on: April 01, 2011, 05:30:30 AM »
I've used the fake ID/hold idea before (not for chems mind you, god damn carders ;-))  Works well.  Park across the street.  Wear a hat and unremarkable clothes.


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Re: Zoklet?
« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2011, 06:38:17 AM »
Zoklet is just meant to be the new Totse, but Totse is basically unnecessary in this day and age. Totse is/was old. Really old, like 1990 old, and it was just meant to be a totally uncensored textfile archive, and the forums (originally a BBS, since Totse predates the Web) were created as a companion to the archive. Totse's admin shut it down two years ago, and the forum community created Zoklet as a way to continue the old Totse forums -- they've got a mirror of the old Totse textfile archive somewhere on the site, but it's just become a haven forum for old totseans who didn't want to see totse go. It's been losing membership ever since it was put up, since, well, its member base is just old totse members, and they're slowly leaving -- it's more of a relic than a forum.

I was a &totse member, and that was how I found this place... I wouldn't worry about members coming here from zoklet, since they get basically zero new members anyway. Flasks & Beakers is basically a place where totseans who want to become meth cooks make a few lame threads and then (after stateofhack yells at them) go back to huffing Raid.

BungHole actually posted a pretty decent DET writeup on zoklet a while back, which is cool I guess because DET is a simple synthesis from common precursors to a great drug that doesn't get near enough attention.

The Google indexing thing is a problem and has been for a while, especially the bit about that now-infamous aldehyde fragrance. I'll PM the admin and see what he has to say.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 06:40:02 AM by atara »