Author Topic: The effects of human energy on chemistry  (Read 228 times)


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The effects of human energy on chemistry
« on: June 18, 2011, 03:08:35 AM »
This is something I think about a lot and tonight, while reading up on aromatic rings, I found this paper called 'Quantum Physics and Essential Oils". Here's a snippet or two so you can get the jist of what it's about.

One scientist estimated that just to identify all of the compounds present in the essential oils known today would take a thousand years. However, we do not need to know all of the constituents of an oil to enjoy its benefits. With essential oils, healing can start taking place right now, without complete understanding, while science can catch up later. Besides, essential oils are more than just chemistry.

Vehicles of Living Energy

A compound made in a laboratory may have the same chemical formula as one produced in nature, but they are not the same and do not have the same effect on your body and mind. A chemical formula is not a complete description of a compound, even though today’s chemists and chemistry books will say so. Instead of describing an essential oil as “A Mixture of Chemical Compounds,” essential oils are better described as “Vehicles of Living Energy.” Here is why that is so.

Most compounds of essential oils are built from “Aromatic Rings.” These are molecular structures composed of carbon atoms arranged in closed configurations such as triangles, rectangles, trapezoids, pentagons, hexagons, and other larger more complex shapes.

A prevalent form of these carbon rings in essential oils is the “Benzene Ring,” consisting of six carbons in a hexagonal circle. The benzene ring was discovered and described in the 19th century, but it was not well understood until the development of sophisticated technology in the 20th century. From a series of precise measurements of the electrical properties of the benzene ring, scientists eventually realized that the concept of simple atoms, protons, neutrons, and electrons could not explain its properties. Neither could the concepts of atoms and molecules fully explain the behavior of the many other kinds of rings found in essential oils.

What scientists came to conclude is that these ring structures could no longer be thought of as expressions of matter measured by discrete sizes, dimensions, and masses. This is because they are actually waveforms to be measured by frequencies, amplitudes, and phases. In other words, the compounds of essential oils are not just molecules of matter. They are energetic waveforms. Thus, essential oils can manifest either as particles of matter (chemistry) or as waves of energy (physics) or both.

Mind Over Matter

Before we apply the concepts of quantum physics to essential oils, let us discuss some other related research concerning the interaction of mind and matter. Let’s consider essential oils as “living energy” and consider how human intent and the decisions we may can determine the action of an oil.

We know that the human mind can affect the electromagnetic frequencies of essential oils. Prayer and positive thinking elevates the frequencies while negative thoughts will decrease the frequencies.

In the 1950’s, Franklin Loehr, an American scientist explored the effect of prayer and human thought on water. H2O molecules are composed to a single oxygen atom with two hydrogen atoms attached at specific angles ranging from 120-110 degrees. Loehr found that human thought alters the bonding angles between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms, thus changing the physical properties of the water. (See "The Power of Prayer on Plants" by Franklin Loehr.)

More recent experiments by the Japanese scientist, Masaru Emoto, graphically prove that human thought and emotion affects the crystalline structure of frozen water. Aim beautiful thoughts at water, such as “love,” “angel,” or “appreciation,” and it will crystallize into beautiful icy patterns. Aim ugly or mean thoughts toward water, such as “hate,” “demon,” or “kill” and the frozen water produces ugly crystals. Interaction of mind and matter is a scientific fact. (See "Messages from Water" by Masaru Emoto.)

Consider this: As water vapor is condensing in the high atmosphere and crystallizing into snowflakes, the water above is receiving millions of thoughts from the people below and responding according to the nature of the thoughts. The next time it snows in your area, ask yourself: “Am I creating beautiful snowflakes or ugly ones?” If you find an ugly snowflake, you can always say, “I didn’t create that one. Someone else did.”

Now, a reasonable person cannot, out of hand, dismiss the possibility of energy interfering with energy, especially a scientifically minded one. Chemistry is all about the interactions of energies. In fact, matter itself is nothing more than energy which has somehow coalesced (perhaps the Higg's particle?). I find myself somewhere around the middle of the road here. I can't possibly believe that our [human]energy doesn't effect anything around us in the least. I also cannot possibly believe that we directly control matter with our minds. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. For example, I have always believed that marijuana carries it's growers energy. I have interpreted my experiences as evidence of this, purely anecdotal, but evidence nonetheless. It also shows in the plants while they grow, aside from the growers skill. Or, is having a 'green thumb' partially due to one's energy? I think it's very possible.

What of the total synthesis of recreational compounds? I have to believe that our energy is somehow involved in this. I don't know the extent of it's involvement, but my gut says it has to be involved at some level. I don't find this belief to be too far fetched. Do you?

I'd love to hear some thoughts on this.
"Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable."
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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2011, 03:21:24 AM »
Btw, the article I linked and quoted is meant just for example, as it prompted me to start a topic about something I think about a lot. The article itself is more humor than anything. I'm not endorsing the author's viewpoints in any way. In fact, he/she sounds like a snake oil salesman lol.
"Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable."
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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2011, 04:31:03 AM »
This is because they are actually waveforms to be measured by frequencies, amplitudes, and phases. In other words, the compounds of essential oils are not just molecules of matter. They are energetic waveforms. Thus, essential oils can manifest either as particles of matter (chemistry) or as waves of energy (physics) or both.

Interesting none the lest regardless of how much it sounds like a misinformed essential oil fan. Think about it for a second, the resonance frequency of Benzene has to be the distance between the atoms and the speed at which they travel which I assume to be close to C.

I don't think EO's are magical, I studied magic at a young age, its what lead me to chemistry. There more then likely is a difference between lab chemicals and natural ones but this is not due to any special life force. This is more then likely due to the fact that EO's in plants follow biosynthetic pathways and along with one partion of the EO, there comes another fraction that was the precursor to the first.

For example, almost everywhere you find Safrole you will find Eugenol, This is because Safrole is made from Eugenol thru the CYPD3...Yada Yada(my memory aint to good anymore sorry) Enzyme and this closes the ring.

No matter how much you try to purify EO's there will be traces of the other materials meaning they will work synergistic with each other to effect a greater response without the specific target that modern pharmaceuticals have. Its like the difference between getting a mixture of PEA,DL-Amphetamine,DL-n-methyl-amphetamine, plus various other phenylethylamine substrates as opposed to getting nothing more the plain ol' d-N-methyl amphetamine. The effects of just the single chemical will greatly change the biological impact as there will not be other chemicals tying up the enzymes that metabolize the substances.

As for a made up explination of the whole pray thing changing crystal structure ect...ect... that's a totally different ball game and not chemistry at all, its more like physics then anything. I would try to explain it but you all would laugh so I wouldn't even bother at the moment, Just do me a favor and make the model of a crystal on a plate of water by vibrating it and creating standing waves on the surface. Sooner or later it will become steady and you will achieve a square patter(amongst others but the square is the simplest to achieve). This only happends when your body, everything in the room, and strangely enough your mind :-\ is at rest and filled with inner peace.

 Like I said, don't ask why because I might just try to explain it but I looked into stuff like this right before my mind went all fucked and what it boils down to is that in its essence telekinesis is sort of real. An object vibrating up and down at 60hz will experience no net gain or loss in its weight. However, for half the cycle the object is in free fall meaning that friction no longer needs to apply and the only force that needs to be overcome in inertia. This is simpler then it sounds. Suspend a 3500lb steel block in front of your face and move it with your pinky, you will see that it takes very little force to move an object in freefall. Less so then you experience when its dangling in front of you.

Now... Picture your washing machine with an off center load. Doesn't it move without any force applied by you? If you guided it when it was in this state wouldn't it be simple to move it even if it weighed a million pounds? But what it boils down to is.........

What force is moving a vibrating washing machine when no ones touching it. Can ones mind effect its direction if its on a gravity leveled surface? If you answered no then go out and performed some experiments and report back. I could show you A few different experimental setups if your interested that will show common logic on "telekinesis" is a bit off and somehow the mind/body(theres no real distinction it seems) does influence external forces. I wish I could fully explain how but I can't but I do know for a fact that the mind/body can effect objects at great distances.
There once were some bees and you took all there stuff!
You pissed off the wasp now enough is enough!!!


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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2011, 04:44:34 AM »
I have no doubt that this is possible, I only wonder to what extent. I would be very interested in reading about your experiences with this and some ways to experiment with it.
"Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable."
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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2011, 05:37:42 AM »
Simplest ways to experiment is to take an AC wall adapter and hook it up to an old speaker...
This will cause the entire thing to vibrate on a base frequency of 60hz, (58hz iirc for those in other countries)

Place this under an old, inverted cookie tin, place a thin layer about a mm or so on the cookie tin and place three bolts touching each other in a triangle formation in the center. Once you are able to stabilize the vibrations(and the bolts move as a whole instead of independently)  leave the room ASAP. Leave it for hours and dont come back, This is to prove that no other forces where acting on it while it was there.

 If you come back and the bolts are still in the same position then do me a favor and stare at the center long and hard while you focus deep on the urrrrr sound and the move your gaze over in one direction like you would if you where on LSD or something, just a slow steady off focus....gaze. If nothing happens, which I highly doubt you should hum the perfect pitch of the frequency being resonated. when you get close to the frequency there will be a dramatic change in the sound of the room evident by the new sound of high pitched squealing from the bolts on a resonance frequency of a fraction of a mm with the tin. High pitched and very loud.

I dunno dude I would rather speak of this in PM if you wish but I have trouble making myself look totally crazy in public, I can only do that naturally on certain parts of my psychotic cycle. For the most part people would rather look for holes in a scientific experiment other then perform it themselfs...... I have been able to move an object well over 1000lb with nothing more then the slight pressure of three fingers. In time I will cut this down to almost no force at all by matching the objects resonance frequency on at the very lest two axis with two different oscillation sources... the third axis will be that which is controlled by my hands minor pressure altering the resonance frequency of the object by tapping it at a specific point similar to how you can alter the sound of a pole by holding it at various points, the best being the 7th harmonic.
There once were some bees and you took all there stuff!
You pissed off the wasp now enough is enough!!!


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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2011, 06:00:41 AM »
you have to talk to ya plants it calms and gives them good vibes.

sid should be left under your pillow so as it syncronises with your thought paterns
and most important meth must not be allowed to sleep :)

damb it I think its time I got of that shit.

oxygen that is ;P


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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2011, 06:11:59 AM »
Organisms have been known to transmutate elements, including radioactive materials.  Many of the zero-point energy/aether/scalar energy devices work by utilizing an electromagnet wound in a way that the EM field cancel out.  This has been done again and again.  Is it so hard to imagine that an organism evolved to harness this ability by ion pumps creating tiny charges which cancel out in the same way?  Proponents of this kind of thing assume the human mind works in the same way, this being the mechanism for telekinesis/telekinetics, "energy" effects, etc. 


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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2011, 06:29:16 AM »
Many of the zero-point energy/aether/scalar energy devices work by utilizing an electromagnet wound in a way that the EM field cancel out. 

Thing is, they don't work. Not a single one has ever been shown to work even back to Keely who put way more real research into such a phenomenon then any of these new age jokers.... John Keely was the man even if many discredit him.

However Edward Leedskalnin may have accomplished something similar that did work
. He built coral castle, by himself out of blocks weighing well over 10 tons.... He wrote papers on the subject but they went highly unnoticed. Due to the lack of formal education Edward taught himself what he knew about magnetism and his ideas where far off of mainstream evident by the "books" he wrote. He felt magnetism was a moving force where as physics for the most part makes the field static. Im not 100% sure because I was 16 last time I read his books but I felt that he may have had electric fields and magnetic reversed....( or do we ;)????  hmmm)

He claims magnetic currents are what helped him move 10ton and up blocks into place all by himself and honestly........I don't doubt him one bit.

He didn't have the bias of formal teaching on magnetism.... what he learned is similar to our understanding of magnetism just broader to incorporate the use of non magnetic materials into the equation.
There once were some bees and you took all there stuff!
You pissed off the wasp now enough is enough!!!


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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2011, 12:37:24 PM »
Placebo effects can be very strong - but they depend upon the person receiving them believing they are receiving powerful medicine.  Stuff like the color of the pill, how many etc can have a measurable effect.

The mind is connected to the body so I believe the body will or won't do physical things based on your beliefs.  Doesn't mean it is infinitely capable, but what capabilities it has are exercised based on what you believe.  That is especially true when it comes to healing.

I've had a lot of psychosomatic illnesses to the point I wonder if that's the only kind there is.  What causes a body's immune system to turn on itself?

Maybe we should try doing experiments where we will chemicals to react the way we want them to, see if it affects yield?  I've seen my husband do the same synth twice exactly the same way and get vastly different results.  That could just be the attention paid I suppose.



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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2011, 01:22:00 PM »
Yes, Edward Leedskalnin has quite a story. It's a shame that so much of it is shrouded in mystery.

I can see me trying your experiments. I can't tell you how many times I tried using my mind to move things when I was a kid. Hours of fruitlessly staring at a marble or what ever lol. As a kid I was convinced there was a way to do it, I just hadn't figured it out yet. The use of a specific frequency is something I never thought about. Your explanation makes a lot of sense. If you could vibrate a 30 ton stone this way you could push it with your pinky. Since my mental abilities are not unlike the proverbial pinky, this may give me results finally. I would also like to experiment with this in chemistry.  Tesla's work with resonant frequencies is something else I want to further study. It hints at the intimate relationship between matter and energy in a way that relativity does not, in some ways making it much more accessible to the layman, like me.

One of my friends is really into magic. She is a member of that group of people that practice magic, can't remember what they are called but they wear weird stuff and are kinda like masons lol. Anyway, she will be really excited to help with this. She is really into energy and effecting surrounding energy with her own. Of particular interest to me is her manipulation of sexual energy  ;) She's good at that, we'll see how good she is at making nice crystals lol.

Perhaps experimentation using some reactions that are very low energy and touchy. Can you think of any right off hand?

salat, there is definitely something to be said for the placebo effect. There is no doubt that we set our own reality, its just to what extent that mindset changes the reality of others that makes me go hmmm. For example a perfectly healthy person who believes they have cancer will live their life as if they do have cancer. Preparing themselves for death and making everyday decisions based on this assumption that they are dying. Doesn't really matter if they are dying or not, by believing it it becomes reality for that person. Really the only thing that separates a 'crazy' person from a sane person is the 'sane' person participates in an agreed upon reality, consensus reality. If you get several 'crazy' people together who all share the same interpretation of reality they will strengthen each  others viewpoint and there is no way you can convince those people that what they believe is not real. I just wonder if this actually precipitates any change in everyone else's reality. I wonder what Terrence Mkenna would say about this?  :P
"Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable."
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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2011, 12:58:38 AM »
Well, I've recruited two people to help experiment with this stuff. Both practice 'magic', one for over a decade and the other for less than a year. This has my curiosity now, so I can't leave it alone lol.

My plan is to do some digging and find something that crystallizes fairly quick (30 minutes an hour, something like that). I'll put a little in a petri dish and let subject 1 spend some time with it. Then I'll do the same thing for subject 2 and then I'll have a 3rd by itself in another room. I spent monday nights with subject 1 anyway, so that should be easy, subject 2 is a bit harder to work with. I want them all to be done in the same house with the same temp, humidity and everything. If I can see that there is actually some conrete result from this it'll trip me the fuck out.

Any ideas on what I can crystallize? Nothing drug related, they have no idea that I'm a bad boy.
"Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable."
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Balkan Bonehead

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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2011, 01:32:35 AM »
Sorry, but this is nonsense. I suspect whoever wrote that lacks a firm grasp of fundamental quantum theory.


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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2011, 01:37:32 AM »
I don't see how you can dismiss it that easily. Energy and matter are intimately related. I think dismissing it out of hand like that is a further stretch than believing that I can fling a car with my mind lol. I dont know the extent, but I suspect that human energy can interact with 'stuff'.
"Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable."
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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2011, 02:56:30 AM »
I'd love to hear some thoughts on this.

I'd love to see some evidence.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." - Max Planck

Balkan Bonehead

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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2011, 03:22:16 AM »
I don't see how you can dismiss it that easily.

Why can't I? Just look at what he writes. It is complete bullshit:
What scientists came to conclude is that these ring structures could no longer be thought of as expressions of matter measured by discrete sizes, dimensions, and masses. This is because they are actually waveforms to be measured by frequencies, amplitudes, and phases. In other words, the compounds of essential oils are not just molecules of matter. They are energetic waveforms. Thus, essential oils can manifest either as particles of matter (chemistry) or as waves of energy (physics) or both.

He seems to believe, without providing evidence, that only subatomic particles that comprise "natural" molecules obey quantum mechanics, and that "artificial" substances are somehow stuck in a Newtonian realm. It's clear he doesn't know what he's talking about. For example, he suggests that QM implies that particles cannot take on discrete values like " sizes, dimensions, and masses", but this is completely false. QM allows for discreet masses. In fact, it is required. Mass is a fundamental quantization, along with spin and charge. He also cites some non-double blind, non-peer-reviewed "studies" to bolster his claims. I could go on, but I think I've made my point...


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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2011, 10:43:44 AM »
Let's not confuse what the author of that paper writes and what is possible fact. I already said that his paper reads more like a comedy than a serious inquiry into this possible phenomena. I don't buy all the hokey essential oils are magic shit. I'm simply saying that matter and energy are intimately related and it seems reasonable that a person's energy could interact with the energy of a chemical reaction. I think it's worth a look if nothing else. I will do my little experiment and post my results in this thread. I don't expect much if anything, but I do believe that something is possible since energy is energy is energy is energy......
"Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable."
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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2011, 11:25:12 AM »
i  agree with this Idea without doubt,,like you say Sedit, 'its hard to explain' :P

QM allows for discreet masses. In fact, it is required. Mass is a fundamental quantization, along with spin and charge
Yes it does, however, "spin", seems to ALWAYS BE, "towards the observer." Why? ???

 Everything affects Everything, simple! ;D I could write a book about the books I've read and talks/raves on topics akin to this
"the two things you can give away and never lose, are what you know, and how you feel...."

Balkan Bonehead

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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2011, 01:24:28 PM »
Let's not confuse what the author of that paper writes and what is possible fact. I already said that his paper reads more like a comedy than a serious inquiry into this possible phenomena. I don't buy all the hokey essential oils are magic shit. I'm simply saying that matter and energy are intimately related and it seems reasonable that a person's energy could interact with the energy of a chemical reaction. I think it's worth a look if nothing else. I will do my little experiment and post my results in this thread. I don't expect much if anything, but I do believe that something is possible since energy is energy is energy is energy......

Yes, mass and energy are equivalent, as showed by Einstein. I still fail to see what is meant by a "person's energy". A human body is a physical system composed of matter, like any other physical system. It can interact with other bodies according to the laws of physics, e.g. by pushing on something you can move it, by vibrating your vocal cords you can create sound waves, etc. Is this what you had in mind?


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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #18 on: June 21, 2011, 01:45:35 PM »
...but no matter how hard you try, if you were to attempt to hit something, you'd  never actually make contact with it...

"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." - Max Planck

Balkan Bonehead

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Re: The effects of human energy on chemistry
« Reply #19 on: June 21, 2011, 02:11:14 PM »
Particles interact with each other via forces, but if you zoom in on a force field, it's actually just a swarm of particles.